maxLength method

  1. @useCopy
IList<T> maxLength(
  1. int maxLength, {
  2. int priority(
    1. T a,
    2. T b

If the list has more than maxLength elements, remove the last elements so it remains with only maxLength elements. If the list has maxLength or less elements, doesn't change anything.

If you want, you can provide a priority comparator, such as the elements to be removed are the ones that would be in the end of a list sorted with this comparator (the order of the remaining elements won't change).


IList<T> maxLength(
  int maxLength, {
  int Function(T a, T b)? priority,
}) {
  var originalLength = length;
  if (originalLength <= maxLength)
    return this;
  else if (priority == null)
    return IList._unsafe(_l.maxLength(maxLength), config: config);
  else {
    List<T> toBeRemovedFromEnd = unlock..sort(priority);
    toBeRemovedFromEnd = toBeRemovedFromEnd.sublist(maxLength);
    var result = <T>[];
    for (int i = originalLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      var item = this[i];
      if (!toBeRemovedFromEnd.contains(item))
    return IList(result.reversed);