StakeTokens class abstract



StakeTokens({int timestamp, @JsonKey(name: '_id') required String id, String name, String? txHash, required String status, int? blockNumber, required String tokenAddress, required String from, required String to, required BigInt value, required String tokenName, required String tokenSymbol, required int tokenDecimal})
StakeTokens.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)


blockNumber int?
no setter
copyWith → _$$StakeTokensImplCopyWith<_$StakeTokensImpl>
Create a copy of Action with the given fields replaced by the non-null parameter values.
no setter
from String
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
id String
no setter
name String
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
status String
no setter
timestamp int
no setter
to String
no setter
tokenAddress String
no setter
tokenDecimal int
no setter
tokenName String
no setter
tokenSymbol String
no setter
txHash String?
no setter
value BigInt
no setter


compareTo(Action? other) int
Compares this Action to other, based on their timestamps.
getRecipient() String
getSender() String
isConfirmed() bool
isFailed() bool
isGenerateWallet() bool
isNFTAction() bool
isPending() bool
isStakeAction() bool
isSwapAction() bool
map<TResult extends Object?>({required TResult createWallet(CreateWallet value), required TResult fiatDeposit(FiatDeposit value), required TResult send(Send value), required TResult receive(Receive value), required TResult swap(Swap value), required TResult receiveNFT(ReceiveNFT value), required TResult stakeTokens(StakeTokens value), required TResult unstakeTokens(UnstakeTokens value)}) → TResult
mapOrNull<TResult extends Object?>({TResult? createWallet(CreateWallet value)?, TResult? fiatDeposit(FiatDeposit value)?, TResult? send(Send value)?, TResult? receive(Receive value)?, TResult? swap(Swap value)?, TResult? receiveNFT(ReceiveNFT value)?, TResult? stakeTokens(StakeTokens value)?, TResult? unstakeTokens(UnstakeTokens value)?}) → TResult?
maybeMap<TResult extends Object?>({TResult createWallet(CreateWallet value)?, TResult fiatDeposit(FiatDeposit value)?, TResult send(Send value)?, TResult receive(Receive value)?, TResult swap(Swap value)?, TResult receiveNFT(ReceiveNFT value)?, TResult stakeTokens(StakeTokens value)?, TResult unstakeTokens(UnstakeTokens value)?, required TResult orElse()}) → TResult
maybeWhen<TResult extends Object?>({TResult createWallet(int timestamp, String id, String name, String? txHash, String status, int? blockNumber)?, TResult fiatDeposit(int timestamp, String id, String name, String? txHash, String status, int? blockNumber, String tokenAddress, String? from, String to, BigInt value, String tokenName, String tokenSymbol, int tokenDecimal)?, TResult send(int timestamp, String id, String name, String? txHash, String status, int? blockNumber, String tokenAddress, String from, String to, BigInt value, String tokenName, String tokenSymbol, int tokenDecimal)?, TResult receive(int timestamp, String id, String name, String? txHash, String status, int? blockNumber, String tokenAddress, String from, String to, BigInt value, String tokenName, String tokenSymbol, int tokenDecimal)?, TResult swap(int timestamp, String id, String name, String? txHash, String status, int? blockNumber)?, TResult receiveNFT(int timestamp, String id, String name, String? txHash, String status, int? blockNumber, String tokenAddress, String from, String to, String tokenName, String tokenSymbol, int tokenDecimal)?, TResult stakeTokens(int timestamp, String id, String name, String? txHash, String status, int? blockNumber, String tokenAddress, String from, String to, BigInt value, String tokenName, String tokenSymbol, int tokenDecimal)?, TResult unstakeTokens(int timestamp, String id, String name, String? txHash, String status, int? blockNumber, String tokenAddress, String from, String to, BigInt value, String tokenName, String tokenSymbol, int tokenDecimal)?, required TResult orElse()}) → TResult
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
Serializes this Action to a JSON map.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
when<TResult extends Object?>({required TResult createWallet(int timestamp, String id, String name, String? txHash, String status, int? blockNumber), required TResult fiatDeposit(int timestamp, String id, String name, String? txHash, String status, int? blockNumber, String tokenAddress, String? from, String to, BigInt value, String tokenName, String tokenSymbol, int tokenDecimal), required TResult send(int timestamp, String id, String name, String? txHash, String status, int? blockNumber, String tokenAddress, String from, String to, BigInt value, String tokenName, String tokenSymbol, int tokenDecimal), required TResult receive(int timestamp, String id, String name, String? txHash, String status, int? blockNumber, String tokenAddress, String from, String to, BigInt value, String tokenName, String tokenSymbol, int tokenDecimal), required TResult swap(int timestamp, String id, String name, String? txHash, String status, int? blockNumber), required TResult receiveNFT(int timestamp, String id, String name, String? txHash, String status, int? blockNumber, String tokenAddress, String from, String to, String tokenName, String tokenSymbol, int tokenDecimal), required TResult stakeTokens(int timestamp, String id, String name, String? txHash, String status, int? blockNumber, String tokenAddress, String from, String to, BigInt value, String tokenName, String tokenSymbol, int tokenDecimal), required TResult unstakeTokens(int timestamp, String id, String name, String? txHash, String status, int? blockNumber, String tokenAddress, String from, String to, BigInt value, String tokenName, String tokenSymbol, int tokenDecimal)}) → TResult
whenOrNull<TResult extends Object?>({TResult? createWallet(int timestamp, String id, String name, String? txHash, String status, int? blockNumber)?, TResult? fiatDeposit(int timestamp, String id, String name, String? txHash, String status, int? blockNumber, String tokenAddress, String? from, String to, BigInt value, String tokenName, String tokenSymbol, int tokenDecimal)?, TResult? send(int timestamp, String id, String name, String? txHash, String status, int? blockNumber, String tokenAddress, String from, String to, BigInt value, String tokenName, String tokenSymbol, int tokenDecimal)?, TResult? receive(int timestamp, String id, String name, String? txHash, String status, int? blockNumber, String tokenAddress, String from, String to, BigInt value, String tokenName, String tokenSymbol, int tokenDecimal)?, TResult? swap(int timestamp, String id, String name, String? txHash, String status, int? blockNumber)?, TResult? receiveNFT(int timestamp, String id, String name, String? txHash, String status, int? blockNumber, String tokenAddress, String from, String to, String tokenName, String tokenSymbol, int tokenDecimal)?, TResult? stakeTokens(int timestamp, String id, String name, String? txHash, String status, int? blockNumber, String tokenAddress, String from, String to, BigInt value, String tokenName, String tokenSymbol, int tokenDecimal)?, TResult? unstakeTokens(int timestamp, String id, String name, String? txHash, String status, int? blockNumber, String tokenAddress, String from, String to, BigInt value, String tokenName, String tokenSymbol, int tokenDecimal)?}) → TResult?


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.