utils/path library


contextIsWindows bool
Check if on windows io
no setter


contextPath(String anyPath) String
Deprecated see toContextPath
contextPathSplit(Context context, String path) List<String>
Split the parts in a given context
isPathPartSeparator(String part) bool
Is part separator (posix/windows/url...
posixPath(String anyPath) String
deprecated See toPosixPath
toContextPath(Context context, String anyPath) String
Convert any path in the context mode, dealing with separators.
toNativePath(String anyPath) String
Convert any path to the current context mode (typically io), dealing with separators.
toPosixPath(String anyPath) String
To posix path.
toUrlPath(String anyPath) String
To url path (same result than posix)
toWindowsPath(String anyPath) String
To windows path (same result than posix)