onThreatDetected property

Stream<Threat> onThreatDetected

Returns a broadcast stream. When security is compromised onThreatDetected receives what type of Threat caused it.

To receive updates about threats, listen to the stream:

final subscription = Talsec.instance.onThreatDetected.listen((threat) {
  // Handle threat

When you're finished listening for threats, don't forget to cancel stream:


Implementation note:

onThreatDetected is internally used by attachListener which turns stream events into function callbacks. While onThreatDetected is a broadcast stream (and hence can have a multiple receivers) it is not recommended to use both approaches at the same time.


Stream<Threat> get onThreatDetected {
  if (_onThreatDetected != null) {
    return _onThreatDetected!;

  _onThreatDetected = eventChannel

  return _onThreatDetected!;