A Flutter package powered by OpenStreetMap for free address search, location picking, current location detection, and reverse geocoding (finding addresses from coordinates).

free_map screenshot


  • Free Address Search: Perform address searches without any usage fees.
  • Search-Only Field: Use a standalone search field for address lookup, independent of the map.
  • Location Picker: Select locations directly on an interactive map.
  • Full Map with Search Widget: Combined search field and map in one seamless widget.
  • Current Location Detection: Get the user’s current GPS location.
  • Reverse Geocoding: Retrieve addresses from geographic coordinates.
  • Powered by OpenStreetMap: A free, open-source alternative to Google Places API.
  • Highly Customizable: Adjust the widgets appearance to match your app’s design.

Getting started

Checkout geolocator platform setup instructions.


Search-Only Field

      initialValue: _selectedValue,
      textController: _textController,
      margin: const EdgeInsets.all(20),
      textFieldBuilder: _searchTextFieldBuilder,
      onSelected: (v) => setState(() => _selectedValue = v),

Full Map with Search Widget

    initialValue: _selectedValue,
    searchTextFieldBuilder: _searchTextFieldBuilder,
    onSelected: (v) {
        _selectedValue = v;

Get Current Location

 final pos = await FMService().getCurrentPosition();

Get Address

final data = await FMService().getAddress(
    lat: pos.latitude,
    lng: pos.longitude,

Additional information

Think you've found a bug, or would like to see a new feature? We'd love to hear about it! Visit the Issues section of the git repository. DO NOT FORGOT TO MENTION THE PACKAGE NAME "free_map" IN THE TITLE.