BrilliantDevice class

Class representing a Brilliant device.


BrilliantDevice({required BrilliantConnectionState state, required BluetoothDevice device, int? maxStringLength, int? maxDataLength, Duration defaultTimeout = const Duration(seconds: 30), bool logDebugging = false})


connectionState Stream<BrilliantDevice>
Stream of connection state changes for the device.
no setter
dataResponse Stream<Uint8List>
Stream of data responses from the device.
no setter
defaultTimeout Duration
getter/setter pair
device ↔ BluetoothDevice
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
id String
Returns the device ID.
no setter
isConnected bool
Checks if the device is connected.
no setter
logDebugging bool
getter/setter pair
maxDataLength int?
getter/setter pair
maxReceiveBuffer int
getter/setter pair
maxStringLength int?
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
state BrilliantConnectionState
getter/setter pair
stringResponse Stream<String>
Stream of string responses from the device.
no setter


disconnect() Future<void>
Disconnects the device.
getDataOfType(FrameDataTypePrefixes dataType) Stream<Uint8List>
Gets data of a specific type from the device.
getDataWithPrefix(int prefix) Stream<Uint8List>
Gets data of a specific type from the device.
handleDataResponsePart(Stream<OnCharacteristicReceivedEvent> source) Stream<Uint8List>
Handles data response parts from the device.
handleStringResponsePart(Stream<OnCharacteristicReceivedEvent> source) Stream<String>
Handles string response parts from the device.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
sendBreakSignal() Future<void>
Sends a break signal to the device.
sendData(Uint8List data, {bool awaitResponse = false, Duration? timeout}) Future<Uint8List?>
Sends data to the device.
sendResetSignal() Future<void>
Sends a reset signal to the device.
sendString(String string, {bool awaitResponse = false, Duration? timeout}) Future<String?>
Sends a string to the device.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateFirmware(String filePath) Stream<double>
Updates the firmware of the device.
uploadScript(String fileName, String filePath) Future<void>
Uploads a script to the device.
waitForData({Duration? timeout}) Future<Uint8List>
Waits for any data from the device.
waitForDataOfType(FrameDataTypePrefixes dataType, {Duration? timeout}) Future<Uint8List>
Waits for data of a specific type from the device.
waitForString({String? match, Duration? timeout}) Future<String>
Waits for a specific string from the device.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.