translate method

  1. @override
String translate(
  1. PredefinedFormErrorKey errorKey


String translate(PredefinedFormErrorKey errorKey) {
  return switch (errorKey.type) {
    PredefinedFormErrorType.required => 'This field is required.',
    PredefinedFormErrorType.lengthIsLessThanMin =>
      'The length should be at least ${errorKey.parameter}.',
    PredefinedFormErrorType.lengthIsMoreThanMax =>
      'The length should be at most ${errorKey.parameter}.',
    PredefinedFormErrorType.lengthIsNotEqual =>
      'The length should be exactly ${errorKey.parameter}.',
    PredefinedFormErrorType.didNotMatchPattern =>
      'The value did not match the expected pattern: ${errorKey.parameter}.',
    PredefinedFormErrorType.isNotOnlyText =>
      'This field should contain only alphabetic characters.',
    PredefinedFormErrorType.isNotOnlyNumbers =>
      'This field should contain only numbers.',
    PredefinedFormErrorType.isNotValidEmail =>
      'This field requires a valid email address.',
    PredefinedFormErrorType.isNotValidPhoneNumber =>
      'This field requires a valid phone number.',
    PredefinedFormErrorType.isNotValidDateTime =>
      'This field requires a valid date and time.',
    PredefinedFormErrorType.dateIsLessThanMinAge =>
      'The value should be at least ${errorKey.parameter}.',
    PredefinedFormErrorType.dateIsMoreThanMaxAge =>
      'The value should be at most ${errorKey.parameter}.',
    PredefinedFormErrorType.numIsLessThanMin =>
      'The value should be at least ${errorKey.parameter}.',
    PredefinedFormErrorType.numIsMoreThanMax =>
      'The value should be at most ${errorKey.parameter}.',
    PredefinedFormErrorType.boolShouldBeTrue => 'This value should be true.',
    PredefinedFormErrorType.boolShouldBeFalse =>
      'This value should be false.',
    PredefinedFormErrorType.boolAgreeToTerms =>
      'You must agree to the terms and conditions.',
    PredefinedFormErrorType.intIsNotValidCreditCard =>
      'This is not a valid credit card number.',
    PredefinedFormErrorType.wordCountIsLessThan =>
      'The word count should be at least ${errorKey.parameter}.',
    PredefinedFormErrorType.wordCountIsMoreThan =>
      'The word count should be at most ${errorKey.parameter}.',
    PredefinedFormErrorType.isNotValidIpAddress =>
      'This field requires a valid IP address.',
    PredefinedFormErrorType.isNotValidIpv6Address =>
      'This field requires a valid IPv6 address.',
    PredefinedFormErrorType.isNotValidUrl =>
      'This field requires a valid URL.',
    PredefinedFormErrorType.isNotEqualTo =>
      'The value should be equal to ${errorKey.parameter}.',
    PredefinedFormErrorType.passwordsDoNotMatch => 'Passwords do not match.',
    PredefinedFormErrorType.passwordTooShort =>
      'Password must be at least ${errorKey.parameter} characters long.',
    PredefinedFormErrorType.passwordNoUppercase =>
      'Password must contain at least one uppercase letter.',
    PredefinedFormErrorType.passwordNoLowercase =>
      'Password must contain at least one lowercase letter.',
    PredefinedFormErrorType.passwordNoNumber =>
      'Password must contain at least one number.',
    PredefinedFormErrorType.passwordNoSpecialChar =>
      'Password must contain at least one special character (${errorKey.parameter}).',
    PredefinedFormErrorType.stringDoesNotContain =>
      'The input must contain "${errorKey.parameter}".',
    PredefinedFormErrorType.stringContains =>
      'The input must not contain "${errorKey.parameter}".',
    PredefinedFormErrorType.invalidFileType => errorKey.parameter is List
        ? 'Invalid file type. Allowed types are: ${(errorKey.parameter as List<String>).join(", ")}.'
        : 'Invalid file type.',
    PredefinedFormErrorType.fileSizeExceedsLimit =>
      'File size exceeds the maximum limit${_formatFileSize(errorKey.parameter)}.',