buildValidator method

String buildValidator(
  1. List? validators, {
  2. bool functionOnly = false,


String buildValidator(List? validators, {bool functionOnly = false}) {
  // ignore: avoid_annotating_with_dynamic
  dynamic _quoteIfNeeded(dynamic value) {
    if (value?.runtimeType.toString() == 'String') {
      if (RegExp(r'^".*"$').hasMatch(value as String)) {
        return value;
      return '\"$value\"';
    return value;

  final validatorList = <String>[];
  final List<String> customFunctions = [];

  if (validators == null || validators.isEmpty) {
    return '';
  for (final validator in validators) {
    final args = validator[validator.keys.first];
    if (args is! Map) {
      throw Exception('Args is not a map: $args');
    //  print('validator:' + validator.toString());
    final String? customFunction = args.remove('function') as String?;
    final argList = => '$key: ${_quoteIfNeeded(args[key])}').join(',');
    if (validator.keys.first == 'custom') {
      if (customFunction == null || customFunction.trim().isEmpty || !customFunction.startsWith('custom(String? value')) {
        throw Exception('You must specify a function to validate the field.\n$customFunction');
      try {
        customFunction.replaceAll('custom(String?', '_custom${customFunctions.length}(String?');
      } catch (e) {
        throw Exception('You must specify a valid function to validate the field.\n$customFunction');
      for (int index = 0; index < customFunctions.length; index++) {
        validatorList.add('result = _custom${index}(value, $argList);');
    } else {
      //  print('argList: $argList');
      validatorList.add('result = FormValidator.${validator.keys.first}(value, $argList);\n');
      if (result != null) {
  final result = '''
   ${functionOnly ? 'String? validator' : 'validator:'} (value) {
      final errorList = <String>[];
      String? result;
      return errorList.isEmpty ? null : errorList.join('\\n');
    ${functionOnly ? '}' : '},'}
  return result;