FormPropertiesExtension extension

Provides convinient members to access properties.



getFieldValidator<F extends Object>(String name, BuildContext context) FormFieldValidator<F>
Gets a validator to validate form field input.
getInitialValue<F extends Object>(BuildContext context, String name) → F?
Wraps specified initialValue, which is taken from PropertyDescriptor.getFieldValue, with infrastructure support logic for state restoration.
hasPendingAsyncValidations(String name) bool
Gets a value which indicates that specified property has pencing asynchronous validation or not.
onChanged<F extends Object>(BuildContext context, String name, [ValueSetter<F?>? onChanged]) ValueSetter<F?>
Wraps specified onChanged, which takes nullable value, with infrastructure support logic for state restoration.
onChangedNonNull<F extends Object>(BuildContext context, String name, [ValueSetter<F>? onChanged]) ValueSetter<F>
Wraps specified onChanged, which takes non-nullable value, with infrastructure support logic for state restoration.
savePropertyValue(String name, BuildContext context) → void Function(dynamic)
Gets a setter to set a proprty value with validated form field input.