FormCompanionMixin mixin

Extended mixin of CompanionPresenterMixin for vanilla Form.

It is required for submit method that there is a Form widget as an ancestor in BuildContext.

This class supports following features:

  • Decouples validation logic from view layer -- validation logic often should exist in domain layer to encourage reuse.
  • Async validation handling. This class tracks pending asynchronous validation logics. The underlying validation infrastructure supports:
    • Throttling. If continous validation requests are issued, the validation will only handle last one. FormField often issues continous validation because of such user input like fast text typing as well as repeated validate() calls.
    • Caching. Since async validation can be costly and idempotent in most cases, and the result must be same for identical input, so caching validation result reduces latency. It also second guard about continuous validation requests.
  • Disables "submit" action. The submit method returns Function when it is ready for "submit" or null otherwise. This class checks validation results of FormFields and existance of pending async validations.
Superclass constraints
Available extensions


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
presenterFeatures CompanionPresenterFeatures<FormStateAdapter>
Do not use this property directly, use methods on CompanionPresenterMixinExtension instead.
no setteroverride
propertiesState FormProperties
Gets a current FormProperties which holds properties' values and their PropertyDescriptors.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


buildOnAsyncValidationCompleted(String name, BuildContext context) AsyncValidationCompletionCallback

Available on CompanionPresenterMixin, provided by the CompanionPresenterMixinExtension extension

Returns completion logic when any async validation is completed.
canSubmit(BuildContext context) bool
Returns whether the state of this presenter is "completed" or not.
doSubmit() FutureOr<void>
Execute "submit" action.
formStateOf(BuildContext context) FormStateAdapter

Available on CompanionPresenterMixin, provided by the CompanionPresenterMixinExtension extension

Gets the ancestor FormState like state from specified BuildContext, and wraps it to FormStateAdapter.
getKey(String name, BuildContext context) Key
Gets a key for specified named field.
getLocale(BuildContext context) Locale

Available on CompanionPresenterMixin, provided by the CompanionPresenterMixinExtension extension

Gets current Locale for current BuildContext.
handleCanceledAsyncValidationError(AsyncError error) → void

Available on CompanionPresenterMixin, provided by the CompanionPresenterMixinExtension extension

This method will be called when pending async validation is canceled but the operation throws AsyncError.
initializeCompanionMixin(PropertyDescriptorsBuilder properties) → void
Initializes CompanionPresenterMixin. You must call this method (or overriden method) in your presenter's constructor to work mixins correctly.
maybeFormStateOf(BuildContext context) FormStateAdapter?

Available on CompanionPresenterMixin, provided by the CompanionPresenterMixinExtension extension

Gets the ancestor FormState like state from specified BuildContext, and wraps it to FormStateAdapter.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
onPropertiesChanged(OnPropertiesChangedEvent event) → void
Called when any property values are changed. OnPropertiesChangedEvent.newProperties stores new values of the properties.
resetPropertiesState(FormProperties newProperties) FormProperties
Resets propertiesState with specified new FormProperties.
saveFields(FormStateAdapter formState) → void

Available on CompanionPresenterMixin, provided by the CompanionPresenterMixinExtension extension

Performs saving of form fields.
submit(BuildContext context) VoidCallback?
Returns submit callback suitable for onClick callback of button which represents submit of form.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
validateAll(FormStateAdapter formState) FutureOr<bool>

Available on CompanionPresenterMixin, provided by the CompanionPresenterMixinExtension extension

Do validation for all fields with their all validators including asynchronous ones, and returns FutureOr to await asynchronous validations.
validateAndSave(FormStateAdapter formState) Future<bool>

Available on CompanionPresenterMixin, provided by the CompanionPresenterMixinExtension extension

Validates all fields' values and then saves them if there is no validation errors.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.