form_builder_companion_presenter library

Defines mixin and helpers to build presenter of form widget which uses flutter_form_builder package.


Context information of AsyncOperationFailedCallback to handle failed asynchronous execution result.
AsyncOperationNotifier<R, P>
Defines interface which is the parameter of FutureInvoker.execute method must implement to notify asynchronous operation status.
AsyncValidatorExecutor<T extends Object>
Handles asynchronous (Future based) validation logic.
Options for asyncronous validators.
CompanionPresenterFeatures<A extends FormStateAdapter>
Defines overridable CompanionPresenterMixin subtype specific features.
ConversionResult<T extends Object>
Represents successful conversion result.
FailureResult<T extends Object>
Represents any conversion failure.
Represents properties of the form bound to the presenter.
Enables input state restoration for form properties of specified presenter which is mix-ined with CompanionPresenterMixin.
Defines interface between CompanionPresenterMixin and actual state of Form.
FutureInvoker<T extends AsyncOperationNotifier<R, P>, R, P>
Turns Future based async operation to callback based state machine.
Represents event data of CompanionPresenterMixin.onPropertiesChanged.
PropertyDescriptor<P extends Object, F extends Object>
Represents "property" of view model which uses CompanionPresenterMixin.
Builder object to build PropertyDescriptor.
SomeConversionResult<T extends Object>
Represents a result of conversion from form field input value to property value.
StringConverter<P extends Object>
Basic implementation of ValueConverter for string typed FormField such as text field based form field.
Represents asynchronous validation invocation.
Options for validator factories.
ValueConverter<P extends Object, F extends Object>
Defines value converter between PropertyDescriptor<P> value and FormField<F> value.


Represents status of asynchronous operation.
Represents traits of PropertyDescriptor value.


Provides base implementation of presenters which cooporate with correspond Form and FormFields to handle user inputs, their transitive states, validations, and submission.
Another CompanionPresenterMixin companion mixin for FormBuilder instead of Form.
Extended mixin of CompanionPresenterMixin for vanilla Form.


CompanionPresenterMixinExtension on CompanionPresenterMixin
Provides helper methods of CompanionPresenterMixin.
FormCompanionPropertyDescriptorsBuilderExtension on PropertyDescriptorsBuilder
Defines convinient extension methos for PropertyDescriptorsBuilder to define typical type combinations.
FormPropertiesExtension on FormProperties
Provides convinient members to access properties.


bigIntDoubleConverter ValueConverter<BigInt, double>
A ValueConverter between int property value type and double form field value type.
bigIntRestorableValueFactory RestorableValueFactory<BigInt>
A RestorableValueFactory for BigInt.
bigIntStringConverter StringConverter<BigInt>
StringConverter which uses BigInt.tryParse.
boolRestorableValueFactory RestorableValueFactory<bool>
A RestorableValueFactory for bool.
dateTimeRangeRestorableValueFactory RestorableValueFactory<DateTimeRange>
A RestorableValueFactory for DateTimeRange.
dateTimeRestorableValueFactory RestorableValueFactory<DateTime>
A RestorableValueFactory for DateTime.
dateTimeStringConverter StringConverter<DateTime>
StringConverter which uses DateTime.tryParse.
doubleRestorableValueFactory RestorableValueFactory<double>
A RestorableValueFactory for double.
doubleStringConverter StringConverter<double>
StringConverter which uses double.tryParse.
intDoubleConverter ValueConverter<int, double>
A ValueConverter between int property value type and double form field value type.
intRestorableValueFactory RestorableValueFactory<int>
A RestorableValueFactory for int.
intStringConverter StringConverter<int>
StringConverter which uses int.tryParse.
rangeValuesRestorableValueFactory RestorableValueFactory<RangeValues>
A RestorableValueFactory for RangeValues.
stringRestorableValueFactory RestorableValueFactory<String>
A RestorableValueFactory for String.
uriStringConverter StringConverter<Uri>
StringConverter which uses Uri.tryParse.


AsyncErrorHandler = void Function(AsyncError error)
Callback for AsyncError handling. The parameter is AsyncError which is thrown by asynchronous operation.
AsyncOperationCompletedCallback<T> = void Function(T result)
Callback which called when async operation is completed successfully The parameter is T which is asynchronous operation result.
AsyncOperationFailedCallback = void Function(AsyncError failure)
Callback which called when async operation is failed with error.
AsyncOperationFailureHandler<T> = void Function(AsyncInvocationFailureContext<T> failure)
Callback which called when async operation is failed with error. The parameter is AsyncInvocationFailureContext to handle the error.
AsyncOperationProgressCallback<P> = void Function(P progress)
Callback which called periodically in the implementation specific frequency when async operation is progress some degree. The parameter is P which represents some object to represent the progress. It may tell degree of progress with percentage int, double representing completion ratio, or String describing qualitative status. It might have additional information to help to discrimination among concurrent operations by caller.
AsyncValidationCompletionCallback = void Function(String? result, AsyncError? error)
Callback of completion of AsyncValidator.
AsyncValidationFailureHandler = void Function(AsyncInvocationFailureContext<String?> context)
Callback of exceptional completion of AsyncValidatorExecutor.validate. You can change the exception or error via AsyncInvocationFailureContext.overrideError.
AsyncValidator<T> = FutureOr<String?> Function(T? value, AsyncValidatorOptions options)
A function represents async validation invocation.
AsyncValidatorFactory<T> = AsyncValidator<T> Function(ValidatorCreationOptions options)
Signature for factory of AsyncValidator.
FieldToPropertyConverter<P extends Object, F extends Object> = SomeConversionResult<P> Function(F?, Locale)
A function which converts form field input value F to property value P.
FormFieldValidatorFactory<T> = FormFieldValidator<T> Function(ValidatorCreationOptions options)
Signature for factory of FormFieldValidator.
ParseFailureMessageProvider = String Function(String?, FormatException?, Locale)
A function which returns localized, user friendly message for parse or tryParse failure from specified input String and Locale.
Parser<P extends Object> = SomeConversionResult<P> Function(String?, Locale, ParseFailureMessageProvider )
A function which converts String to property value P.
PropertyToFieldConverter<P extends Object, F extends Object> = F? Function(P?, Locale)
A function which converts property value P to form field initial value F.
RestorableValueFactory<F extends Object> = RestorableValue<F?> Function()
Function which creates appropriate RestorableValue subtype for F.
Stringifier<P extends Object> = PropertyToFieldConverter<P, String>
A function which converts property value P to String.