force_directed_graphview library


AnimatedDashEdgePainter<N extends NodeBase, E extends EdgeBase<N>>
A painter for drawing a moving dash line between nodes.
AnimatedEdgePainter<N extends NodeBase, E extends EdgeBase<N>>
Interface for painting animated edges.
BottomLabelBuilder<N extends NodeBase>
Label builder that places the label below the node.
DefaultNodeBuilder<N extends NodeBase>
Dumb implementation of NodeBuilder.
Edge<N extends NodeBase, T>
Model that represents a edge in the graph.
EdgeBase<N extends NodeBase>
Base class for all edges
EdgePainter<N extends NodeBase, E extends EdgeBase<N>>
Interface for painting edges.
An implementation of Fruchterman-Reingold algorithm
Defines the size of the graph canvas. Note that this size won't change dynamically after the graph changed, so take the potential graph changes into account.
The size of the graph canvas is fixed.
The area of the graph canvas is defined by the total area of the nodes multiplied by areaFactor. The final size is calculated by the square root of the area.
GraphController<N extends NodeBase, E extends EdgeBase<N>>
Controller to manipulate the GraphView.
Layout of the graph. Contains the positions of all nodes.
An interface for graph layout algorithm
Builder for the graph layout. Used to manipulate a mutable graph structure and the build an immutable GraphLayout instance.
GraphMutator<N extends NodeBase, E extends EdgeBase<N>>
Wrapper around GraphController that allows changing the graph in a batch to avoid unnecessary rebuilds.
GraphView<N extends NodeBase, E extends EdgeBase<N>>
A widget that displays a graph.
LabelBuilder<N extends NodeBase>
Interbase class for label builders.
Defines how nodes are built.
No lazy building is used.
Only nodes inside the viewport are built. The viewport is defined by the visible canvas area multiplied by scale.
LineEdgePainter<N extends NodeBase, E extends EdgeBase<N>>
A painter for painting edges as lines. Draws a straight line between
Default implementation of NodeBase
Base class for all nodes
NodeBuilder<N extends NodeBase>
Helper class that helps to overcome dart type system limitations when working with functions. Currently should not be used directly.


ChildBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, Widget child)
A builder that should be used to wrap a child with something.
InitialNodePositionExtractor = Offset Function(NodeBase node, Size canvasSize)
A function that extracts the initial position of the node
NodeViewBuilder<N extends NodeBase> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, N node)
Callback for building a widget for a node