sitAndSpin constant

SweepGradient const sitAndSpin

A multicolored SweepGradient that looks like a children's gymnasium
teamwork-activity parachute or the classic children's toy "Sit'n Spin",
but with blurry edges as if it were spinning.

To create a new SweepGradient that has these colors, consider
Foils.sitAndSpin.copyWith(...), such as:

copyWith(startAngle: 0.0, endAngle: 0.5 * 3.1416) // 0.5 * math.pi
// To use math.pi: import 'dart:math' as math`;

to align the four colors differently.

See gymClassParachute for a sweep with hard steps.
`sitAndSpin`, and `gymClassParachute`
Gym Class Parachute Activity - gif


static const sitAndSpin = SweepGradient(
  tileMode: TileMode.repeated,
  startAngle: 0.0,
  endAngle: math.pi * 0.5, // ΒΌ rotation + TileMode.repeated
  // endAngle: math.pi * 2, // full rotation
  colors: <Color>[
    // Color(0xFFB65BF7), // additional purple, but not "classic"
    // Color(0xFFEB679C), // additional pink, but not "classic"
    Color(0xFFEA4335), // smooth loop