AppObject class Get started App object
This class is available throughout the app readily supplies static properties about the App.
- Mixed-in types
- Available extensions
- AppObject({@Deprecated("The 'error' parameter is deprecated.") bool? allowNewHandlers = true})
One single instance of the App object
- allowChangeLocale → bool
Is this app allowed to manually change locale?
no setter
- allowChangeTheme → bool
App is allowed to change the app's theme
Is this app allowed to manually change locale?
no setter
- allowChangeUI → bool
Is this app allowed to change the very UI (Material, Cupertino, etc.)
no setter
- appName → String?
The Name of the App.
no setterinherited
↔ AppStateX<
StatefulWidget> ? -
The App State object.
getter/setter pair
- asSmallScreen → bool
Set whether the app is to use a 'small screen' or not.
no setter
- buildNumber → String?
The build number of the App.
no setterinherited
- connectivity → String?
Returns the connection status of the device.
no setter
- context → BuildContext?
Available on AppObject, provided by the AppStateExtension extension
Retrieve the 'latest' contextno setter - filesDir → String?
The local directory for this App.
no setter
- goRouter ↔ GoRouter?
Reference a possible GoRouter
getter/setter pair
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- hotReload ↔ bool
Flag to set hot reload from now on.
getter/setter pair
- inDebugMode → bool
Available on AppObject, provided by the AppStateExtension extension
Determines if running in an IDE or in setter - inFlutterTest → bool
Indicate if running under a 'Flutter Test' environment
no setter
- inSmallScreen → bool
Return the bool value indicating if running in a small screen or not.
no setter
- installNum → String?
The unique id for this app's particular installation.
no setter
- inWidgetsFlutterBinding → bool
Indicating app is running in the Flutter engine and not in
framework with TestWidgetsFlutterBinding for exampleno setter - iOSThemeData ↔ CupertinoThemeData?
The app's current Cupertino theme.
getter/setter pairinherited
- isInit ↔ bool?
Determine if the App initialized successfully.
getter/setter pair
- isOnline → bool
Indicates if the app has access to the Internet.
Assume we're online if null
no setter
- mainWindow → FlutterView
Flutter application's main window.
no setter
- packageInfo → PackageInfo?
The package info.
no setterinherited
- packageName → String?
The 'Package Name' of the App.
no setterinherited
- platform → TargetPlatform?
The running platform
no setter
- preferredLocale → Locale?
Return the saved Locale if any.
no setter
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- scaffold → ScaffoldState?
The Scaffold object for this App's View.
no setter
- screenHeight → double
The 'Logical' height of the screen
no setter
- screenPhysicalHeight → double
The Physical height of the screen
no setter
- screenPhysicalWidth → double
The Physical width of the screen
no setter
- screenSize → Size
Current Screen Size
no setter
- screenWidth → double
The 'logical' width of the screen
no setter
- standAloneApp ↔ bool?
Determine if this app is running alone
getter/setter pair
- themeData ↔ ThemeData?
The App's current Material theme.
getter/setter pairinherited
- turnedOffInternet → bool
Was on but now turned off connectivity
no setter
- turnedOnInternet → bool
Was off but now turned on connectivity
no setter
- useCupertino → bool
Available on AppObject, provided by the AppStateExtension extension
Indicates if the App is running the Cupertino interface setter - useMaterial → bool
Available on AppObject, provided by the AppStateExtension extension
Indicates if the App is running the Material interface setter - version → String?
The current version of the App.
no setterinherited
ConnectivityListener? listener) → bool - Add a Connectivity listener.
) → bool -
Available on AppObject, provided by the AppNavigationExtension extension
Whether the navigator can be popped. -
Object? ex, {StackTrace? stack, String? library, DiagnosticsNode? context, IterableFilter< String> ? stackFilter, InformationCollector? informationCollector, bool? silent}) → void -
Available on AppObject, provided by the AppStateExtension extension
Catch and explicitly handle the error. -
Locale? locale) → Future< bool> -
Available on AppObject, provided by the AppStateExtension extension
Explicitly change the app's locale. -
String ui) → void -
Available on AppObject, provided by the AppStateExtension extension
Explicitly change to a particular interface. -
BuildContext? context) → void -
Available on AppObject, provided by the AppStateExtension extension
Link a widget to a InheritedWidget in the root State object. -
) → void -
Dispose the App properties.
Route route) → void -
Available on AppObject, provided by the AppNavigationExtension extension
Complete the lifecycle for a route that has been popped off the navigator. -
) → Future< void> -
Collect the device's information.
) → Future< String?> - The id for this App's particular installation.
Color? color) → MaterialColor? -
) → Future< void> - Internal Initialization routines.
T extends Object?> ([T? result]) → Future< bool> -
Available on AppObject, provided by the AppNavigationExtension extension
potentially popping the route as a result; returns whether the pop request should be considered handled. -
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → void -
Available on AppObject, provided by the AppStateExtension extension
Rebuild dependencies to the root State object's InheritedWidget -
AsyncSnapshot< bool> snapshot) → void - App-level error handling if async operation at start up fails
ConnectivityResult result) → void -
FlutterErrorDetails details) → void - App-level error handling.
T extends Object?> ([T? result]) → void -
Available on AppObject, provided by the AppNavigationExtension extension
Pop the top-most route off the navigator. -
T extends Object?, TO extends Object?> (String routeName, {TO? result, Object? arguments}) → Future< T?> -
Available on AppObject, provided by the AppNavigationExtension extension
Pop the current route off the navigator and push a named route in its place. -
RoutePredicate predicate) → void -
Available on AppObject, provided by the AppNavigationExtension extension
Calls pop repeatedly until the predicate returns true. -
T extends Object?> (Route< T> route) → Future<T?> -
Available on AppObject, provided by the AppNavigationExtension extension
Push the given route onto the navigator. -
T extends Object?> (Route< T> newRoute, RoutePredicate predicate) → Future<T?> -
Available on AppObject, provided by the AppNavigationExtension extension
Push the given route onto the navigator, and then remove all the previous routes until thepredicate
returns true. -
T extends Object?> (String routeName, {Object? arguments}) → Future< T?> -
Available on AppObject, provided by the AppNavigationExtension extension
Push a named route onto the navigator. -
T extends Object?> (String newRouteName, RoutePredicate predicate, {Object? arguments}) → Future< T?> -
Available on AppObject, provided by the AppNavigationExtension extension
Push the route with the given name onto the navigator, and then remove all the previous routes until thepredicate
returns true. -
T extends Object?, TO extends Object?> (Route< T> newRoute, {TO? result}) → Future<T?> -
Available on AppObject, provided by the AppNavigationExtension extension
Replace the current route of the navigator by pushing the given route and then disposing the previous route once the new route has finished animating in. -
T extends Object?, TO extends Object?> (String routeName, {TO? result, Object? arguments}) → Future< T?> -
Available on AppObject, provided by the AppNavigationExtension extension
Replace the current route of the navigator by pushing the route namedrouteName
and then disposing the previous route once the new route has finished animating in. -
) → void -
Available on AppObject, provided by the AppStateExtension extension
Refresh the 'current/latest' State object and 'root/first' State object. -
ConnectivityListener? listener) → bool - Remove a Connectivity listener.
Route route) → void -
Available on AppObject, provided by the AppNavigationExtension extension
Immediately removeroute
from the navigator, and Route.dispose it. -
Route anchorRoute) → void -
Available on AppObject, provided by the AppNavigationExtension extension
Immediately remove a route from the navigator, and Route.dispose it. The route to be removed is the one below the givenanchorRoute
. -
T extends Object?> ({required Route oldRoute, required Route< T> newRoute}) → void -
Available on AppObject, provided by the AppNavigationExtension extension
Replaces a route on the navigator that most tightly encloses the given context with a new route. -
T extends Object?> ({required Route anchorRoute, required Route< T> newRoute}) → void -
Available on AppObject, provided by the AppNavigationExtension extension
Replaces a route on the navigator with a new route. The route to be replaced is the one below the givenanchorRoute
. -
T extends Object?, TO extends Object?> (String routeName, {TO? result, Object? arguments}) → String -
Available on AppObject, provided by the AppNavigationExtension extension
Pop the current route off the navigator and push a named route in its place. -
T extends Object?> (RestorableRouteBuilder< T> routeBuilder, {Object? arguments}) → String -
Available on AppObject, provided by the AppNavigationExtension extension
Push a new route onto the navigator. -
T extends Object?> (RestorableRouteBuilder< T> newRouteBuilder, RoutePredicate predicate, {Object? arguments}) → String -
Available on AppObject, provided by the AppNavigationExtension extension
Push a new route onto the navigator, and then remove all the previous routes until thepredicate
returns true. -
T extends Object?> (String routeName, {Object? arguments}) → String -
Available on AppObject, provided by the AppNavigationExtension extension
Push a named route onto the navigator. -
T extends Object?> (String newRouteName, RoutePredicate predicate, {Object? arguments}) → String -
Available on AppObject, provided by the AppNavigationExtension extension
Push the route with the given name onto the navigator that most tightly encloses the given context, and then remove all the previous routes until thepredicate
returns true. -
T extends Object?, TO extends Object?> (RestorableRouteBuilder< T> routeBuilder, {TO? result, Object? arguments}) → String -
Available on AppObject, provided by the AppNavigationExtension extension
Replace the current route of the navigator by pushing a new route and then disposing the previous route once the new route has finished animating in. -
T extends Object?, TO extends Object?> (String routeName, {TO? result, Object? arguments}) → String -
Available on AppObject, provided by the AppNavigationExtension extension
Replace the current route of the navigator that most tightly encloses the given context by pushing the route namedrouteName
and then disposing the previous route once the new route has finished animating in. -
T extends Object?> ({required Route oldRoute, required RestorableRouteBuilder< T> newRouteBuilder, Object? arguments}) → String -
Available on AppObject, provided by the AppNavigationExtension extension
Replaces a route on the navigator that most tightly encloses the given context with a new route. -
T extends Object?> ({required Route anchorRoute, required RestorableRouteBuilder< T> newRouteBuilder, Object? arguments}) → String -
Available on AppObject, provided by the AppNavigationExtension extension
Replaces a route on the navigator with a new route. The route to be replaced is the one below the givenanchorRoute
. -
[Locale? locale]) → Future< bool> - Save a locale to the app's locale
VoidCallback fn) → void -
Available on AppObject, provided by the AppStateExtension extension
Refresh the root State object with the passed function. -
{ColorSwatch< int?> ? swatch}) → Color? -
Set the app's general color theme supplying a Color value.
{Key? key, required Widget content, Color? backgroundColor, double? elevation, EdgeInsetsGeometry? margin, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, double? width, ShapeBorder? shape, SnackBarBehavior? behavior, SnackBarAction? action, Duration? duration, Animation< double> ? animation, VoidCallback? onVisible, DismissDirection? dismissDirection, Clip? clipBehavior}) → void - Display the SnackBar
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.