scrollBar method

Widget scrollBar({
  1. Key? key,
  2. ScrollController? controller,
  3. bool? thumbVisibility,
  4. bool? trackVisibility,
  5. double? thickness,
  6. Radius? radius,
  7. ScrollNotificationPredicate? notificationPredicate,
  8. bool? interactive,
  9. ScrollbarOrientation? scrollbarOrientation,
  10. @Deprecated('''Use ScrollbarThemeData.trackVisibility to resolve based on the current state instead. ''' 'This feature was deprecated after v3.4.0-19.0.pre.') bool? showTrackOnHover,

A material design scroll bar.


Widget scrollBar({
  Key? key,
  ScrollController? controller,
  bool? thumbVisibility,
  bool? trackVisibility,
  double? thickness,
  Radius? radius,
  ScrollNotificationPredicate? notificationPredicate,
  bool? interactive,
  ScrollbarOrientation? scrollbarOrientation,
    '''Use ScrollbarThemeData.trackVisibility to resolve based on the current state instead. '''
    'This feature was deprecated after v3.4.0-19.0.pre.',
  bool? showTrackOnHover,
}) {
  return Scrollbar(
    key: key,
    controller: controller,
    thickness: thickness,
    radius: radius,
    notificationPredicate: notificationPredicate,
    interactive: interactive,
    scrollbarOrientation: scrollbarOrientation,
    thumbVisibility: thumbVisibility,
    trackVisibility: trackVisibility,
    child: this,