animatedAligned method
- required AlignmentGeometry alignment,
- required Duration duration,
- Key? key,
- double? heightFactor,
- double? widthFactor,
- Curve curve = Curves.linear,
- VoidCallback? onEnd,
Animated version of Align which automatically transitions the child's position over a given duration whenever the given alignment changes.
Widget animatedAligned({
required AlignmentGeometry alignment,
required Duration duration,
Key? key,
double? heightFactor,
double? widthFactor,
Curve curve = Curves.linear,
VoidCallback? onEnd,
}) {
return AnimatedAlign(
key: key,
alignment: alignment,
duration: duration,
curve: curve,
onEnd: onEnd,
heightFactor: heightFactor,
widthFactor: widthFactor,
child: this,