WebBluetoothDeviceEvents extension
An extension class to add events as streams to the WebBluetoothDevice.
→ Stream<
BluetoothAdvertisementReceivedEvent> -
Available on WebBluetoothDevice, provided by the WebBluetoothDeviceEvents extension
An event fired when an advertisement packet is received.no setter -
→ Stream<
Event> -
Available on WebBluetoothDevice, provided by the WebBluetoothDeviceEvents extension
An event fired on an characteristic when the characteristic value has changed.no setter -
→ Stream<
Event> -
Available on WebBluetoothDevice, provided by the WebBluetoothDeviceEvents extension
An event fired when the gatt server disconnects. Either the NativeBluetoothRemoteGATTServer.disconnect method was called. Or the device is out of range/ turned off.no setter -
→ Stream<
Event> -
Available on WebBluetoothDevice, provided by the WebBluetoothDeviceEvents extension
An event fired on a device when a service has been added.no setter -
→ Stream<
Event> -
Available on WebBluetoothDevice, provided by the WebBluetoothDeviceEvents extension
An event fired on a device when a service has changed.no setter -
→ Stream<
Event> -
Available on WebBluetoothDevice, provided by the WebBluetoothDeviceEvents extension
An event fired on a device when a service has been removed.no setter