flutter_web_bluetooth library

A wrapper around js_web_bluetooth to make it more Dart friendly. Changes event listeners into Streams and Javascript promises into Futures.


This is a BluetoothDevice that has been found using FlutterWebBluetooth.requestLeScan and will be emitted by the FlutterWebBluetooth.advertisements stream.
AdvertisementReceivedEvent<D extends AdvertisementBluetoothDevice>
This is the object that is emitted for the advertisementreceived event. This object only has the specific fields for the event and not the fields form the basic javascript Event (target field and all that stuff).
A Bluetooth low energy characteristic. This is where the actual data of the device is stored and how you send or receive data from the device.
Properties for the current characteristic. The properties describe what the characteristic is able to do. For example does it support writing and/or reading.
A Bluetooth low energy descriptor. A descriptor describes the value stored in the characteristic.
A Bluetooth low energy (web) device. This represents a device that (may) be connected to the browser using BLE. This is a descendant of AdvertisementBluetoothDevice with an actual gatt server so it can communicate with the BluetoothServices and BluetoothCharacteristics of the device.
A Bluetooth low energy service. this can be primary or secondary. A service contains one or more BluetoothCharacteristics.
The main class to request devices from on the web.
An interface for FlutterWebBluetooth to make sure that both the unsupported and web version have the same api.
A builder for creating the scan options needed for FlutterWebBluetooth.requestLeScan. This is needed to tell the browser what devices should be found while scanning.
A filter for matching the manufacturer data of the device. This can be used to define the services that the device should have before being able to communicate with it.
A helper to help create a BluetoothScanFilter.
A builder to help setup the correct request options for a new device.
A filter to match on service data. This can be used to define the services that the device should have before being able to communicate with it.


All the default Bluetooth low energy characteristics are defined in this enum. See: values for a list of all the characteristics.
All the default Bluetooth low energy services are defined in this enum. See: values for a list of all the services.

Exceptions / Errors

An Error that is thrown if there is no Bluetooth adapter available to the browser.
An Error that is thrown if there ever is an error with communication between the browser and the Bluetooth device.
An Error that is thrown if a BluetoothService or BluetoothCharacteristic could not be found on a Bluetooth device.
An Error that is throw if an operation is not supported.
An Error that is thrown if a specific BluetoothService or BluetoothCharacteristic is on a blocklist.