Ethereum class

A Dart Ethereum Provider API for consistency across clients and applications.

Available extensions


autoRefreshOnNetworkChange bool
no getter
chainId String
Returns a hexadecimal string representing the current chain ID.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
impl → _EthereumImpl
Internal JS Object, should not be used directly.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
selectedAddress String?
Returns first getAccounts item but may return unexpected value.
no setter


getAccounts() Future<List<String>>
Returns List of accounts the node controls.
getChainId() Future<int>
Returns chain id in int
isConnected() bool
Returns true if the provider is connected to the current chain, and false otherwise.
listenerCount([String? eventName]) int
Returns the number of listeners for the eventName events. If no eventName is provided, the total number of listeners is returned.
listeners(String eventName) List
Returns the list of Listeners for the eventName events.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
off(String eventName, [Function? listener]) → dynamic
Remove a listener for the eventName event. If no listener is provided, all listeners for eventName are removed.
on(String eventName, Function listener) → dynamic
Add a listener to be triggered for each eventName event.
onAccountsChanged(void listener(List<String> accounts)) → dynamic
Add a listener to be triggered for each accountsChanged event.
once(String eventName, Function listener) → dynamic
Add a listener to be triggered for only the next eventName event, at which time it will be removed.
onChainChanged(void listener(int chainId)) → dynamic
Add a listener to be triggered for each chainChanged event.
onConnect(void listener(ConnectInfo connectInfo)) → dynamic
Add a listener to be triggered for each connect event.
onDisconnect(void listener(ProviderRpcError error)) → dynamic
Add a listener to be triggered for each disconnect event.
onMessage(void listener(String type, dynamic data)) → dynamic
Add a listener to be triggered for each message event type.
removeAllListeners([String? eventName]) → dynamic
Remove all the listeners for the eventName events. If no eventName is provided, all events are removed.
request<T>(String method, [dynamic params]) Future<T>
Use request to submit RPC requests with method and optionally params to Ethereum via MetaMask or provider that is currently using.
requestAccount() Future<List<String>>
Request/Enable the accounts from the current environment.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
walletAddChain({required int chainId, required String chainName, required CurrencyParams nativeCurrency, required List<String> rpcUrls, List<String>? blockExplorerUrls}) Future<void>
Creates a confirmation asking the user to add the specified chain with chainId, chainName, nativeCurrency, and rpcUrls to MetaMask.
walletSwitchChain(int chainId, [void unrecognizedChainHandler()?]) Future<void>
Creates a confirmation asking the user to switch to the chain with the specified chainId.
walletWatchAssets({required String address, required String symbol, required int decimals, String? image, String type = 'ERC20'}) Future<bool>
Requests that the user tracks the token with address, symbol, and decimals in MetaMask, decimals is optional.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

binanceChain Ethereum
Ethereeum provider api used in Binance Chain Wallet.
no setter
ethereum Ethereum
Modern Ethereum provider api, injected by many famous environment such as MetaMask or TrustWallet.
no setter
isSupported bool
Getter for boolean to detect Ethereum object support. without calling itself to prevent js undefined error.
no setter
provider Ethereum?
Getter for default Ethereum provider object, cycles through available injector in environment.
no setter
web3 Ethereum?
Old web3 object, deprecated now.
no setter