Contract class

A Contract is an abstraction of code that has been deployed to the blockchain.

A Contract may be sent transactions, which will trigger its code to be run with the input of the transaction data.


Contract(String address, dynamic abi, dynamic providerOrSigner)
Instantiate Contract object for invoking smart contract method.
Contract.fromProvider(String address, dynamic abi, Provider<_ProviderImpl> provider)
Instantiate Contract from provider for read-only contract calls.
Contract.fromSigner(String address, dynamic abi, Signer<_SignerImpl> signer)
Instantiate Contract from provider for read-write contract calls.


address String
This is the address (or ENS name) the contract was constructed with.
no setter
deployTransaction Future<TransactionResponse>
If the Contract object is the result of a ContractFactory deployment, this is the transaction which was used to deploy the contract.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
impl → _ContractImpl
Internal JS Object, should not be used directly.
interface Interface
This is the ABI as an Interface.
no setter
isReadOnly bool
true if connected to Provider, false if connected to Signer.
no setter
provider Provider<_ProviderImpl>
If a Provider was provided to the constructor, this is that provider. If a Signer was provided that had a Provider, this is that provider.
no setter
resolvedAddress Future<String>
This is a Future that will resolve to the address this is attached to.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
signer Signer<_SignerImpl>?
If a Signer was provided to the constructor, this is that signer.
no setter


attach(String addressOrName) Contract
Returns a new instance of the Contract attached to addressOrName.
call<T>(String method, [List args = const []]) Future<T>
Call read-only constant method with args.
connect(dynamic providerOrSigner) Contract
Returns a new instance of the Contract, but connected to Provider or Signer.
estimateGas(String method, [List args = const [], TransactionOverride? override]) Future<BigInt>
Returns the estimate units of gas that would be required to execute the method with args and override.
getFilter(String eventName, [List args = const []]) Filter
Return a filter for eventName, optionally filtering by additional args constraints.
listenerCount([dynamic event]) int
Returns the number of listeners for the event. If no event is provided, the total number of listeners is returned.
listeners(Object event) List
Returns the list of Listeners for the event.
multicall<T>(String method, List<List> args, [Multicall? multicall, bool eagerError = false]) Future<List<T>>
Multicall read-only constant method with args. Will use multiple https call unless multicall is provided.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
off(dynamic event, [Function? listener]) → dynamic
Remove a listener for the event. If no listener is provided, all listeners for event are removed.
on(dynamic event, Function listener) → dynamic
Add a listener to be triggered for each event.
once(dynamic event, Function listener) → dynamic
Add a listener to be triggered for only the next event, at which time it will be removed.
queryFilter(EventFilter<_EventFilterImpl> filter, [dynamic startBlock, dynamic endBlock]) Future<List<Event>>
Return a List of Log that have been emitted by the Contract by the filter. Optinally constraint from startBlock to endBlock.
removeAllListeners([dynamic event]) → dynamic
Remove all the listeners for the event. If no event is provided, all events are removed.
send(String method, [List args = const [], TransactionOverride? override]) Future<TransactionResponse>
Send write method with args, override may be include to send the Ether or adjust transaction options.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.