VIConversationParticipant constructor

  1. int imUserId, {
  2. bool isOwner = false,
  3. bool canWrite = true,
  4. bool canEditMessages = true,
  5. bool canEditAllMessages = false,
  6. bool canRemoveMessages = true,
  7. bool canRemoveAllMessages = false,
  8. bool canManageParticipants = false,

Create a new participants.

Use VIConversationConfig.participants or VIConversation.addParticipants to add participants to the conversation.

imUserId - IM User id. Can be retrieved from VIUser.imId Optional isOwner - determines if the conversation participant is an owner Optional canWrite - determines if the conversation participant can send messages to the conversation Optional canEditMessages - determines if the conversation participant can edit its own messages Optional canEditAllMessages - determines if the conversation participant can edit messages other than its own Optional canRemoveMessages - determines if the conversation participant can remove its own messages Optional canRemoveAllMessages - determines if the conversation participant can remove messages other than its own Optional canManageParticipants - determines if the participant can manage other participants in the conversation


  this.imUserId, {
  this.isOwner = false,
  this.canWrite = true,
  this.canEditMessages = true,
  this.canEditAllMessages = false,
  this.canRemoveMessages = true,
  this.canRemoveAllMessages = false,
  this.canManageParticipants = false,
}) : this.lastReadSequence = 0;