flutter_view_widgets library

Backing library for adding extra functionality to the flutter-view tool http://flutter-view.io.


Flutter-view helper widget to allow assigning a value or expression to a new variable name.
Widget that lets you listen to the lifecycle of the BuildContext it is part of
A base class that holds some data and allows other classes to listen to changes to that data.
Reactive is a simple wrapper around a value to make it listenable for changes. This lets you make any value listenable, instead of having to extend Model or ChangeNotifier.
ReactiveWidget<T extends Listenable>
Widget that rebuilds when the specified Listenable updates.


AssignedBuilder<T> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, T assignment)
ReactiveWidgetBuilder<T extends Listenable> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, T model)
Widget builder function to be called when the listenable updates. Passes the BuildContext and current Listenable.