VideoValue class

The duration, current position, buffering state, error state and settings of a VideoPlayerController.

The isVisible, isLock, isMaxSpeed, isVerticalDrag, verticalDragType, currentVerticalDragValue, isDragProgress, dragDuration of a VideoControls.


VideoValue({required VideoPlayerValue videoPlayerValue, required VideoConfig config, VideoInitStatus status = VideoInitStatus.none, double aspectRatio = 1.0, Duration duration =, Duration position =, bool isFullScreen = false, bool isVisible = false, bool isLock = false, bool isMaxPlaybackSpeed = false, bool isVerticalDrag = false, VerticalDragType? verticalDragType, double verticalDragValue = 0, bool isDragProgress = false, Duration dragDuration =, bool isMaxPreviewTime = false})
Constructs a video with the given values. Only videoPlayerValue is required. The rest will initialize with default values when unset.


aspectRatio double
The parameters set by the developer are preferred.
buffered List<DurationRange>
The currently buffered ranges.
no setter
caption Caption
The Caption that should be displayed based on the current position.
no setter
captionOffset Duration
The Duration that should be used to offset the current position to get the correct Caption.
no setter
config VideoConfig
The config of VideoView.
dragDuration Duration
Adjusted progress value.
dragTotalDuration Duration
Sliding time interval.
no setter
duration Duration
The total duration of the video.
errorDescription String?
A description of the error if present.
no setter
hasError bool
Indicates whether or not the video is in an error state. If this is true errorDescription should have information about the problem.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isBuffering bool
True if the video is currently buffering.
no setter
isDragProgress bool
Whether the progress is being adjusted.
isFinish bool
True if the video is finish.
no setter
isFullScreen bool
Whether it is full screen mode.
isInitialized bool
Indicates whether or not the video has been loaded and is ready to play.
no setter
isLock bool
Whether to lock the controller
isLooping bool
True if the video is looping.
no setter
isMaxPlaybackSpeed bool
Whether to play video at the maximum rate.
isMaxPreviewTime bool
Whether or not the maximum preview duration has been reached.
isPlaying bool
True if the video is playing. False if it's paused.
no setter
isPortrait bool
Whether it is portrait in full-screen.
no setter
isVerticalDrag bool
Whether to display the adjustment progress of brightness or volume.
isVisible bool
Show or hide VideoControls.
orientations List<DeviceOrientation>
Device orientation after full screen.
no setter
playbackSpeed double
The current speed of the playback.
no setter
position Duration
The current playback position.
rotationCorrection int
Degrees to rotate the video (clockwise) so it is displayed correctly.
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
size Size
The size of the currently loaded video.
no setter
status VideoInitStatus
The current initialization status of the video.
verticalDragType VerticalDragType?
Adjust brightness or volume.
verticalDragValue double
Brightness value or volume value.
videoPlayerValue VideoPlayerValue
The duration, current position, buffering state, error state and settings of a VideoPlayerController.
volume double
The current volume of the playback.
no setter


copyWith({VideoPlayerValue? videoPlayerValue, VideoConfig? config, VideoInitStatus? status, double? aspectRatio, Duration? duration, Duration? position, bool? isFullScreen, bool? isVisible, bool? isLock, bool? isMaxPlaybackSpeed, bool? isVerticalDrag, VerticalDragType? verticalDragType, double? verticalDragValue, bool? isDragProgress, Duration? dragDuration, bool? isMaxPreviewTime}) VideoValue
Returns a new instance that has the same values as this current instance, except for any overrides passed in as arguments to copyWith.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.