flutter_test_runners library


Configures handlers to intercept platform method calls.


TestMessageInterceptor on WidgetTester
Extension on WidgetTester to easily intercept platform messages.


testOnLinux(String description, VoidCallback realTest, {bool skip = false}) → void
A Dart test that configures the Platform to think its a LinuxPlatform, then runs the realTest, and then sets the Platform back to null.
testOnMac(String description, VoidCallback realTest, {bool skip = false}) → void
A Dart test that configures the Platform to think its a MacPlatform, then runs the realTest, and then sets the Platform back to null.
testOnWindows(String description, VoidCallback realTest, {bool skip = false}) → void
A Dart test that configures the Platform to think its a WindowsPlatform, then runs the realTest, and then sets the Platform back to null.
testWidgetsOnAllPlatforms(String description, WidgetTesterCallback test, {bool skip = false, TestVariant<Object?> variant = const DefaultTestVariant()}) → void
A widget test that runs a variant for every platform, e.g., Mac, Windows, Linux, Android and iOS.
testWidgetsOnAndroid(String description, WidgetTesterCallback test, {bool skip = false, TestVariant<Object?> variant = const DefaultTestVariant()}) → void
A widget test that configures itself as a Android platform before executing the given test, and nullifies the Android configuration when the test is done.
testWidgetsOnArbitraryDesktop(String description, WidgetTesterCallback test, {bool skip = false}) → void
A widget test that configures itself for an arbitrary desktop environment.
testWidgetsOnDesktop(String description, WidgetTesterCallback test, {bool skip = false, TestVariant<Object?> variant = const DefaultTestVariant()}) → void
A widget test that runs a variant for every desktop platform, e.g., Mac, Windows, Linux.
testWidgetsOnIos(String description, WidgetTesterCallback test, {bool skip = false, TestVariant<Object?> variant = const DefaultTestVariant()}) → void
A widget test that configures itself as a iOS platform before executing the given test, and nullifies the iOS configuration when the test is done.
testWidgetsOnLinux(String description, WidgetTesterCallback test, {bool skip = false, TestVariant<Object?> variant = const DefaultTestVariant()}) → void
A widget test that configures itself as a Linux platform before executing the given test, and nullifies the Linux configuration when the test is done.
testWidgetsOnMac(String description, WidgetTesterCallback test, {bool skip = false, TestVariant<Object?> variant = const DefaultTestVariant()}) → void
A widget test that configures itself as a Mac platform before executing the given test, and nullifies the Mac configuration when the test is done.
testWidgetsOnMobile(String description, WidgetTesterCallback test, {bool skip = false, TestVariant<Object?> variant = const DefaultTestVariant()}) → void
A widget test that runs a variant for every mobile platform, e.g., Android and iOS
testWidgetsOnWindows(String description, WidgetTesterCallback test, {bool skip = false, TestVariant<Object?> variant = const DefaultTestVariant()}) → void
A widget test that configures itself as a Windows platform before executing the given test, and nullifies the Windows configuration when the test is done.
testWidgetsOnWindowsAndLinux(String description, WidgetTesterCallback test, {bool skip = false, TestVariant<Object?> variant = const DefaultTestVariant()}) → void
A widget test that runs a variant for Windows and Linux.


PlatformMethodHandler = Future<ByteData?>? Function(MethodCall methodCall)
A method to handle platform method calls.