The SDK accepts Amex, Mastercard, Visa, and Discover for Apple Pay by default. Set this property to enable other card networks, for example: "JCB", "barcode", "chinaUnionPay". A full list of possible networks can be found at
The list of fields that you need for a shipping contact in order to process the transaction. If provided, you must implement the PlatformPayButton component's onShippingContactSelected callback and call updatePlatformPaySheet from there.
An array of shipping method objects that describe the supported shipping methods. If provided, you must implement the PlatformPayButton component's onShippingMethodSelected callback and call updatePlatformPaySheet from there.
Enables support for coupon codes in the Apple Pay button.
When this is set to true it shows the coupon code field and if couponCode
has a value it will display the value as default