Flutter Storyblok Code Generator

Uses Storybloks' Management API to generate Dart classes from Blocks, Datasources etc.

Getting Started

  1. Space ID: Obtained from from Storyblok under Settings > General > Space.

  2. Personal Access Token: Obtained from from Storyblok under My Account > Security > Personal Access Token.


Add to dev_dependencies

flutter pub add dev:flutter_storyblok_code_generator

Running the Generator

Navigate to the project directory and run the following commands:

dart run flutter_storyblok_code_generator generate -s <space_id> -p <pat>



Usage: flutter_storyblok_code_generator generate [arguments]
-h, --help                                 Print this usage information.
-s, --space_id (mandatory)                 Your Storyblok Space ID
-p, --personal_access_token (mandatory)    Your Personal Access Token, not your Space access token
-l, --space_location                       The server location of the space
                                           [eu (default), us, ca, ap, cn]
-r, --rate_limit                           Your rate limit (depending on your plan)
                                           (defaults to "3")
-o, --output_path                          A directory path where the output file "bloks.generated.dart" will be created
                                           (defaults to "lib")

This will call the Management API multiple times to fetch all Blocks under "Blocks Library", all Datasources and their entries, external datasources etc. Make sure you set the rate limit correctly if you are on a plan other than Community.

Generated code

The script generates a file bloks.generated.dart which contains all internal datasources, external datasources, blocks etc.

The datasources are generated as enum and their entries as enum values.

The blocks found in the Block library are generated as a class subclassed of sealed class Blok for exhaustive checking when building the widgets to help the developer handle all blocks and any future blocks.

When running the script after creating a new Block in the visual editor a new Blok class will be generated causing the exhaustive checking to emit an error, alerting the developer of what Widget needs implementation.

enum PageIcons {

sealed class Blok {
  factory Blok.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json);

final class Page extends Blok {
  final String title;
  final PageIcons icon;
  final List<Blok> body;

Because the sealed class Blok is being generated it is not available to the SDK from a fresh start. To connect the generated blocks to the SDK, Blok.fromJson factory method must be passed to StoryblokClient. This will connect the generic constraint so that all Story objects returned by StoryblokClient will have their content property as Blok.


The generator handles component_whitelist for all fields that use it e.g Blocks by declaring the field as those whitelisted types with a new sealed class for that specific field or if only one Block is whitelisted, it declares the field as that Block e.g Page.

The generator also handles parameters such as maximum on Blocks and decimals on Number by declaring the fields as either List<Blok> or just Blok and either double or int.

Building Widgets

When building the Widgets representing each block the developer have the freedom to choose their preferred solution.

In the Example project the solution was to create an extension on Blok with the function Widget buildWidget(BuildContext) which switches over itself and with the aid of exhaustive checking creates each wiidget in a statically and null-safe mannor.

extension BlockWidget on Blok {
  Widget buildWidget(BuildContext context) => switch (this) {
    final Page page => Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Row(
          children: [
            switch (page.icon) {
              PageIcons.home => Icon(Icons.home),
              PageIcons.home => Icon(Icons.about),
              PageIcons.unknown => SizedBox.shrink(),
      body: Column(
        children: page.body.map((block) => block.buildWidget(context)).toList(),
    UnrecognizedBlock() => kDebugMode ? Placeholder() : SizedBox.shrink(),

App versions becoming old

Because an app is installed on a device it can grow old quickly. When a new block is created in the Storyblok space the old app version wont know what the new block is and therefore UnrecognizedBlock was created for such cases.

Datasources add the unknown value for this reason as well.

Implementation status

  • 🟢 = Fully implemented
  • 🟡 = Implemented but missing some features
  • ❌ = Not implemented

Block fields

Field Status Notes
Blocks 🟢
Text 🟢
TextArea 🟢
RichText 🟢
Markdown 🟢
Number 🟢
DateTime 🟢
Boolean 🟢
Single-Option 🟡 Source language is not generated into an enum
Multi-Options 🟡 Source language is not generated into an enum
Reference 🟡 Same as Multi-options
Asset 🟢
MultiAsset 🟢
Link 🟢
Table 🟢
Plugin 🟢
Group Only used in the visual editor
Image (old) Deprecated
File (old) Deprecated

Datasources 🟡

  • Does not generate dimensions

Languages ❌

  • TODO