flutter_spyglass library


Dependency<T extends Object>
An immutable object describing a dependency. It can be registered in Deps by using Deps.add.
Event emitted by Deps when a dependency value is changed, i.e. as a result of the Dependency.create or Dependency.update callback.
Event emitted by Deps when a dependency is registered. It does not mean its value can be read by Deps.get if the dependency is asynchronous. When an async dependency is resolved it will be followed by a DependencyChanged event.
Event emitted by Deps when a dependency is unregistered.
A box that contains dependencies. Deps can also form a tree-like hierarchy to allow for scoping and overriding dependencies. Reading values from a deps object that it doesn't contain but its ancestors will return the value from the nearest ancestor.
Event emitted by Deps when a dependency is registered, unregistered, or changed.
Register on mount; Unregister on unmount.


DepsContext on BuildContext
Shortcuts for obtaining Deps values from BuildContext.
DepsWatchMany on Deps


deps Deps
Alias for globalDeps.
no setter
globalDeps Deps
no setter


useDependency<T extends Object>() → T
Watch the specified dependency.
useDeps() Deps
Obtain the nearest Deps scope.
useRegisterDeps(List<Dependency<Object>> dependencies, [List<Object?> keys = const []]) → void
Register dependencies on mount; Unregister on unmount. What DepsProvider does with its DepsProvider.register prop but in a hook form.


DependencyKey = Type
Unregister = void Function()
Callback to unregister a dependency. It will be disposed of automatically.