create method

Future<File> create(
  1. TempFileLocations location, [
  2. String prefix = ''

Creates a temporary file in the systems temp directory. @param subdirectory - the directory (under the temp file system) to place the file in. @param prefix - an optional prefix to prepend to the randomly generated filename.

Example: File tmpRecording = await TempFiles() .create(TempFileLocations.RECORDINGS);


Future<File> create(TempFileLocations location, [String prefix = '']) async {
  var derivedPath = '${Directory.systemTemp.path}'

  var directory = await Directory(derivedPath).create(recursive: true);

  // make certain we have a random filename that doesn't already exist.
  String path;
  do {
    var fileName = prefix + generateRandomFileName();
    path = '${directory.path}/$fileName}';
  } while (File(path).existsSync());

  var tmpFile = File(path);
  await tmpFile.create();

  return tmpFile;