executeAsyncWithArguments method

Future<int> executeAsyncWithArguments(
  1. List<String> arguments,
  2. ExecuteCallback executeCallback

Executes FFmpeg asynchronously with commandArguments provided. This method starts the execution and does not wait the execution to complete. It returns immediately with executionId created for this execution.


Future<int> executeAsyncWithArguments(
    List<String> arguments, ExecuteCallback executeCallback) async {
  try {
    return await _methodChannel.invokeMethod(
        {'arguments': arguments}).then((map) {
      var executionId = map['executionId'];
      FlutterSoundFFmpegConfig._executeCallbackMap[executionId] =
      return executionId;
  } on PlatformException catch (e, stack) {
    logger.e('Plugin executeFFmpegAsyncWithArguments error: ${e.message}');
    return Future.error('executeFFmpegAsyncWithArguments failed.', stack);