eventDoRollingInDragging method
void eventDoRollingInDragging(SortableItemState beHitItemState, SortableElement holdingElement) {
assert(draggingElement != null, 'Dragging status is a mess now, please check it out.');
assert(draggingElement == holdingElement, 'Got a different dragging view, please check it out.');
SortableElement dragging = draggingElement!;
SortableElement element = beHitItemState.widget.element;
int toIndex = animationElements.indexOf(element);
int draggingIndex = animationElements.indexOf(dragging);
bool isDraggingInSameRow = toIndex ~/ elementCountPerRow == draggingIndex ~/ elementCountPerRow;
/// To lower index means user dragging to left, user dragging to left or top, the hit target should animate to right
bool isDraggingToLowerIndex = toIndex < draggingIndex;
int i = isDraggingToLowerIndex ? draggingIndex - 1 : draggingIndex + 1;
for (; isDraggingToLowerIndex ? i >= toIndex : i <= toIndex; isDraggingToLowerIndex ? i-- : i++) {
SortableElement e = animationElements[i];
/// Swap the index in cached data
int sourceIndex = i;
int destinationIndex = isDraggingToLowerIndex ? i + 1 : i - 1;
animationElements.swap(sourceIndex, destinationIndex);
/// Handle animation by corresponding item's state
SortableItemState itemState = e.state;
itemState.sourceIndex = sourceIndex;
itemState.destinationIndex = destinationIndex;
/// Make sure you see the right thing on the right position
setState(() {});