performLayout method
the main child would be laid out firstly
then, other actions would be laid out based on _ComputedSizes
the main child would not have a position for its SlidableBoxData
void performLayout() {
assert(childCount <= 3,
'RenderSlidable only support 3 children at most. That would be a pre [SlideActionPanel], the main child, and a post [SlideActionPanel].');
final computedSize = _layoutMainChild();
RenderBox? child = firstChild;
while (child != null) {
final childParentData = child.parentData as SlidableBoxData;
if (childParentData.position != null) {
final actionConstraints = switch (childParentData.position!) {
ActionPosition.pre => computedSize.constraintsForPreAction, => computedSize.constraintsForPostAction,
child.layout(actionConstraints, parentUsesSize: false);
childParentData.offset = switch (childParentData.position!) {
ActionPosition.pre =>, => computedSize.getTopLeftForPostAction(axis),
child = childParentData.nextSibling;
size = computedSize.size;
controller.layoutSize = computedSize.getLayoutSize(axis, maxSlideThreshold);