flutter_settings_screens library

Settings Screen with Custom Storage Interface

Author: Harshvardhan Joshi

Based on the plugin by Barnabás BARTHA : https://github.com/BarthaBRW/shared_preferences_settings


This is an abstract class to provide access of storage/preferences platform from the developer's existing app to this settings screen
CheckboxSettingsTile is a widget that has a Checkbox with given title, subtitle and default value/status of the Checkbox
ColorPickerSettingsTile is a widget which allows user to select the a color from a set of Material color choices.
DropDownSettingsTile is a widget that has a list of DropdownMenuItems with given title, subtitle and default/group value which determines which value will be set to selected initially.
ExpandableSettingsTile is wrapper widget which shows the given children in an _ExpansionSettingsTile
ModalSettingsTile is a widget which allows creating a setting which shows the children in a _ModalSettingsTile
RadioModalSettingsTile widget is the dialog version of the RadioSettingsTile widget.
RadioSettingsTile is a widget that has a list of Radio widgets with given title, subtitle and default/group value which determines which Radio will be selected initially.
This class behaves as a bridge between the settings screen widgets and the underlying storage mechanism.
SettingsContainer is a widget that helps its child or children to fit in the settings screen. It is helpful if you want to place other widgets than settings tiles in the settings screen body. Example:
SettingsGroup is a widget that contains multiple settings tiles and other widgets together as a group and shows a title/name of that group.
SettingsScreen is a simple Screen widget that may contain Tiles or other widgets.
A cache access provider class for shared preferences using shared_preferences library.
SimpleDropDownSettingsTile is a simpler version of the DropDownSettingsTile.
SimpleRadioSettingsTile is a simpler version of the RadioSettingsTile.
--------- Types of Settings widgets ---------- /// SimpleSettingsTile is a simple settings tile that can open a new screen by tapping the tile.
SliderModalSettingsTile widget is the dialog version of the SliderSettingsTile widget.
SliderSettingsTile is a widget that has a slider given title, subtitle and default value which determines what the slider's position will be set initially.
SwitchSettingsTile is a widget that has a Switch with given title, subtitle and default value/status of the switch
--------- Common Settings widgets ---------- /// A Setting widget which allows user a text input in a TextFormField
This class is a customized version of ValueNotifier which Takes a key and value.
A Stateful widget which Takes in a cacheKey, a defaultValue and a builder


InternalWidgetBuilder<T> = Widget Function(BuildContext, T, ValueChanged<T> )
This function type is used for rebuilding any given child widgets
ItemBuilder<T> = Widget Function(T)
This function type is used for building a widget based on the value given to it. It is an alternate version of WidgetBuilder.
OnChanged<T> = void Function(T)
This function type is used for triggering the callback when value associated with a settings key changes.
OnConfirmedCallback = bool Function()
This function type is used for verifying that the dialog/modal widget is to be closed or not.