rx_form library


RxForceUnfocuser forces dismiss keyboard on tap
The render box for RxForceUnfocuser
RxFormFieldBuilder<B extends RxBlocTypeBase, T>
RxFormFieldBuilder is a convenience widget, which makes it easier to build and update responsive form fields with reactive Streams.
RxFormFieldBuilderState<B extends RxBlocTypeBase, T, R extends RxFormFieldBuilder<B, T>>
RxFormFieldBuilderState is the field state provided to the builder function of RxFormFieldBuilder.
RxIgnoreUnfocuser is used to ignore keyboard dismiss within a given area
The render box for RxIgnoreUnfocuser
RxInputDecorationData is a class which defines some additional input decoration not present in the InputDecoration class intended to be used with RxTextFormFieldBuilder which internally manages the usage of the fields
RxTextFormFieldBuilder<B extends RxBlocTypeBase>
RxTextFormFieldBuilder is a RxFormFieldBuilder which specializes in building text form fields with reactive streams, it handles the most important parts of managing a text field's state.
RxTextFormFieldBuilderState<B extends RxBlocTypeBase>
RxTextFormFieldBuilderState is the state provided to the widget's builder function. It provides the same fields as RxFormFieldBuilderState, as well as some additional ones for managing text field states.
RxUnfocuser handles dismiss keyboard on tap


the behaviour for when the text is changed by the reactive stream


CopyWithDecoration on InputDecoration
An extension to make adding additional decoration other than the one provided by RxTextFormFieldBuilder easier


RxFormFieldBuilderFunction<B extends RxBlocTypeBase, T> = Widget Function(RxFormFieldBuilderState<B, T, RxFormFieldBuilder<B, T>> fieldState)
RxFormFieldOnChanged<B extends RxBlocTypeBase, T> = void Function(B, T)
RxFormFieldShowError<B extends RxBlocTypeBase> = Stream<bool> Function(B)
RxFormFieldState<B extends RxBlocTypeBase, T> = Stream<T> Function(B)
RxTextFormFieldBuilderFunction<B extends RxBlocTypeBase> = Widget Function(RxTextFormFieldBuilderState<B> fieldState)
the builder function

Exceptions / Errors

RxFieldException handles updating reactive forms with an exception without loosing the field value