ReactterBuildContextExtension extension

Exposes methods to helps to get and listen ReactterContext's instance.



use<T extends ReactterContext?>([String? id]) → T

Available on BuildContext, provided by the ReactterBuildContextExtension extension

Gets the ReactterContext's instance of T with/without id from the closest ancestor of ReactterProvider.
watch<T extends ReactterContext?>([ListenHooks<T>? listenHooks]) → T

Available on BuildContext, provided by the ReactterBuildContextExtension extension

Gets the ReactterContext's instance of T from the closest ancestor of ReactterProvider and watch all ReactterHook or ReactterHook defined in first paramater(listenHooks) to re-render the widget tree.
watchId<T extends ReactterContext?>(String id, [ListenHooks<T>? listenHooks]) → T

Available on BuildContext, provided by the ReactterBuildContextExtension extension

Gets the ReactterContext's instance of T from the closest ancestor of ReactterProvider and watch all ReactterHook or ReactterHook defined in second paramater(listenHooks) to re-render the widget tree.