packages/vsc_quill_delta_to_html/src/helpers/array library




flatten<T>(Iterable list) List<T>
groupConsecutiveElementsWhile<T>(List<T> arr, bool predicate(T currElm, T prevElm)) List
Returns a new array by putting consecutive elements satisfying predicate into a new array and returning others as they are. Ex: 1, "ha", 3, "ha", "ha" => [1, "ha", 3, "ha", "ha"] where predicate: (v, vprev) => typeof v === typeof vPrev
intersperse<T>(List<T> arr, T item) List<T>
(arr: 1, 3, 4, item: 0) yields: 1, 0, 3, 0, 4
preferSecond<T>(List<T> arr) → T?
sliceFromReverseWhile<T>(List<T> arr, int startIndex, bool predicate(T currElm)) ArraySlice<T>
Returns consecutive list of elements satisfying the predicate starting from startIndex and traversing the array in reverse order.