QuillEditorExt extension



quillEditorConfigurations QuillEditorConfigurations?
return nullable QuillEditorConfigurations
no setter
quillEditorElementOptions QuillEditorElementOptions?
return nullable QuillToolbarBaseButtonOptions. Since the quill quill editor block options is in the QuillEditorProvider then we need to get the provider widget first and then we will return block options throw exception if QuillEditorProvider is not in the widget tree
no setter
requireQuillEditorConfigurations QuillEditorConfigurations
return QuillEditorConfigurations as not null
no setter
requireQuillEditorElementOptions QuillEditorElementOptions
return QuillToolbarBaseButtonOptions as not null. Since the quill quill editor block options is in the QuillEditorProvider then we need to get the provider widget first and then we will return block options don't throw exception if QuillEditorProvider is not in the widget tree
no setter