flutter_provider_utilities library


MessageListener<T extends MessageNotifierMixin>
A listener for ChangeNotifier that extends MessageNotifierMixin mixin Wrapping a widget with MessageListener will use Scaffold.context to show Snackbars called from the ChangeNotifier class with notifyError or notifyInfo methods Useful to display error or information messages
MessageOverlayListener<T extends MessageNotifierMixin>
A listener for ChangeNotifier that extends MessageNotifierMixin mixin Wrapping a widget with MessageListener will use Scaffold.context to show Snackbars called from the ChangeNotifier class with notifyError or notifyInfo methods Useful to display error or information messages
MessageSnackbarListener<T extends MessageNotifierMixin>
A listener for ChangeNotifier that extends MessageNotifierMixin mixin Wrapping a widget with MessageListener will use Scaffold.context to show Snackbars called from the ChangeNotifier class with notifyError or notifyInfo methods Useful to display error or information messages
NotificationListener<T extends NotificationNotifierMixin<Y>, Y>
A listener for ChangeNotifier that extends NotificationNotifierMixin mixin Wrapping a widget with NotificationListener will display an Overlay called from the ChangeNotifier class with notifyNotification Useful to display in-app notifications


mixin to be user on a ChangeNotifier class It provides two fields error and info and two methods notifyError and notifyInfo Useful used in combination with MessageListener to display error or information messages to users
mixin to be user on a ChangeNotifier class It provides a method notifyNotification Useful used in combination with NotificationListener to display in-app notifications
mixin to be user on a ChangeNotifier class it provides a method notifySafe the can be called to notifyListeners in a safe manner Useful when using ChangeNotifier in pages that can be dismisses or popped