
pub package

flutter_product_card is a highly customizable and feature-rich Flutter package for displaying product cards in e-commerce or shopping applications. With this package, you can easily create visually appealing product cards with various customization options.


  • Customizable card design with options for border radius, background color, and text color.
  • Displays product image, name, category, description (optional), rating (optional), and price.
  • Shows product availability status with icons and labels.
  • Displays discount percentage (optional).
  • Favorite button to mark products as favorites.
  • Tap callback for handling card tap events.
  • Error handling for image loading with a placeholder.
  • Extracted UI components for better code organization and reusability.
  • Comprehensive documentation with examples.

Getting started- Installation

To use this package, add flutter_product_card as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file:

    sdk: flutter
  flutter_product_card: ^0.0.2

Then, run flutter pub get to install the package.


Import the package in your Dart file:

import 'package:flutter_product_card/flutter_product_card.dart';

Then, use the ProductCard widget in your application:

  //add your image url here
  categoryName: 'Pants',
  productName: 'Men Linen Pants',
  price: 199.99,
  currency: '\$', // Default is '$'
  onTap: () {
    // Handle card tap event
  onFavoritePressed: () {
    // Handle favorite button press
      'comfortable & airy.', // Optional short description
  rating: 4.2, // Optional rating
  discountPercentage: 35.0, // Optional discount percentage
  isAvailable: true, // Optional availability status
  cardColor: Colors.white, // Optional card background color
  textColor: Colors.black, // Optional text color
  borderRadius: 8.0, // Optional border radius


The ProductCard widget offers various properties to customize its appearance and behavior:

  • imageUrl: (String) The URL of the product image.
  • categoryName: (String) The category name of the product.
  • productName: (String) The name of the product.
  • price: (double) The price of the product.
  • currency: (String, optional) The currency symbol to display with the price (defaults to '$').
  • shortDescription: (String, optional) A short description of the product.
  • onTap: (VoidCallback, optional) A callback function triggered when the card is tapped.
  • onFavoritePressed: (VoidCallback, optional) A callback function triggered when the favorite icon is pressed.
  • isAvailable: (bool, optional) A flag indicating whether the product is available (defaults to true).
  • textColor: (Color, optional) The color used for text labels and descriptions (defaults to black).
  • discountPercentage: (double, optional) A value representing the discount percentage for the product (displays a discounted price).
  • rating: (double, optional) The product rating.

Additional information


For more detailed usage examples, please refer to the example folder in the package repository.

class MainApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const MainApp({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
        body: Center(
          child: SizedBox(
            height: 400,
            width: 300,
            child: ProductCard(
              categoryName: 'Pants',
              productName: 'Men Linen Pants',
              price: 199.99,
              currency: '\$', // Default is '$'
              onTap: () {
                // Handle card tap event
              onFavoritePressed: () {
                // Handle favorite button press
                  'comfortable & airy.', // Optional short description
               rating: 4.2, // Optional rating
              discountPercentage: 35.0, // Optional discount percentage
              isAvailable: true, // Optional availability status
              cardColor: Colors.white, // Optional card background color
              textColor: Colors.black,  // Optional text color
              borderRadius: 8.0, // Optional border radius


Example Product Card Image


Contributions are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements (eg. documentation improvement), please open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.


This package is created and maintained by Krishna Gupta.


If you want to connect or have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out:


This package is released under the MIT License.