Options class
Every request can pass an Options object which will be merged with Dio.options
- Available extensions
Options({String? method, int? sendTimeout, int? receiveTimeout, Map<
String, dynamic> ? extra, Map<String, dynamic> ? headers, ResponseType? responseType, String? contentType, ValidateStatus? validateStatus, bool? receiveDataWhenStatusError, bool? followRedirects, int? maxRedirects, RequestEncoder? requestEncoder, ResponseDecoder? responseDecoder, ListFormat? listFormat})
- contentType ↔ String?
The request Content-Type. The default value is ContentType.json.
If you want to encode request body with 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
you can set
, and Dio will automatically encode the request body.getter/setter pair - disableRetry ↔ bool
Available on Options, provided by the OptionsX extension
getter/setter pair -
↔ Map<
String, dynamic> ? -
Custom field that you can retrieve it later in Interceptor、Transformer and the Response object.
getter/setter pair
- followRedirects ↔ bool?
see HttpClientRequest.followRedirects,
The default value is true
getter/setter pair
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
↔ Map<
String, dynamic> ? -
Http request headers. The keys of initial headers will be converted to lowercase,
for example 'Content-Type' will be converted to 'content-type'.
getter/setter pair
- listFormat ↔ ListFormat?
The listFormat indicates the format of collection data in request
query parameters and
body data. Possible values defined in ListFormat arecsv
. The default value ismulti
.getter/setter pair - maxRedirects ↔ int?
Set this property to the maximum number of redirects to follow
when followRedirects is
. If this number is exceeded an error event will be added with aRedirectException
.getter/setter pair - method ↔ String?
Http method.
getter/setter pair
- receiveDataWhenStatusError ↔ bool?
Whether receiving response data when http status code is not successful.
The default value is true
getter/setter pair
- receiveTimeout ↔ int?
Timeout in milliseconds for receiving data.
getter/setter pair
- requestEncoder ↔ RequestEncoder?
The default request encoder is utf8encoder, you can set custom
encoder by this option.
getter/setter pair
- responseDecoder ↔ ResponseDecoder?
The default response decoder is utf8decoder, you can set custom
decoder by this option, it will be used in Transformer.
getter/setter pair
- responseType ↔ ResponseType?
responseType indicates the type of data that the server will respond with
options which defined in ResponseType are
.getter/setter pair - runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- sendTimeout ↔ int?
Timeout in milliseconds for sending data.
Dio will throw the DioError with DioErrorType.sendTimeout type
when time out.
getter/setter pair
- validateStatus ↔ ValidateStatus?
defines whether the request is successful for a given HTTP response status code. IfvalidateStatus
, the request will be perceived as successful; otherwise, considered as failed.getter/setter pair
BaseOptions baseOpt, String path, {dynamic data, Map< String, dynamic> ? queryParameters, CancelToken? cancelToken, Options? options, ProgressCallback? onSendProgress, ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress}) → RequestOptions -
{String? method, int? sendTimeout, int? receiveTimeout, Map< String, dynamic> ? extra, Map<String, dynamic> ? headers, ResponseType? responseType, String? contentType, ValidateStatus? validateStatus, bool? receiveDataWhenStatusError, bool? followRedirects, int? maxRedirects, RequestEncoder? requestEncoder, ResponseDecoder? responseDecoder, ListFormat? listFormat}) → Options - Create a Option from current instance with merging attributes.
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.