flutter_painter library
The Flutter Painter library.
From this library, you can access all the APIs of Flutter Painter.
- ArrowDrawable
- A drawable of a simple arrow shape.
- ArrowFactory
- A ArrowDrawable factory.
- BackgroundDrawable
- Abstract class to define a drawable object to be used as a background.
- ColorBackgroundDrawable
- Drawable to use a color as a background.
- DoubleArrowDrawable
- A drawable of a arrow on both side shape.
- DoubleArrowFactory
- A DoubleArrowDrawable factory.
- Drawable
- Abstract class to define a drawable object.
- EraseDrawable
- Free-style Erase Drawable .
- FlutterPainter
- Widget that allows user to draw on it
- FreeStyleDrawable
- Free-style Drawable (hand scribble).
- FreeStyleSettings
- Represents settings used to create and draw free-style drawables.
- ImageBackgroundDrawable
- Drawable to use an image as a background.
- ImageDrawable
- A drawable of an image as an object.
- LineDrawable
- A drawable of a simple line shape.
- LineFactory
- A LineDrawable factory.
- ObjectDrawable
- An abstract drawable that can be moved and rotated and scaled.
- ObjectLayoutAssistSettings
- Represents settings that control the behavior of layout assist for objects.
- ObjectSettings
- Represents settings used to control object drawables in the UI
- OvalDrawable
- A drawable of an oval.
- OvalFactory
- A OvalDrawable factory.
- PainterController
- Controller used to control a FlutterPainter widget.
- PainterControllerValue
- The current paint mode, drawables and background values of a FlutterPainter widget.
- PainterSettings
- Represents all the settings used to create and draw drawables.
- PathDrawable
- Free-style Drawable (hand scribble).
- RectangleDrawable
- A drawable of a rectangle with a radius.
- RectangleFactory
- A RectangleDrawable factory.
- ScaleSettings
- Represents the settings of scaling the FlutterPainter.
- ShapeDrawable
- Abstract class representing a drawable of a shape.
T extends ShapeDrawable> - An abstract class that defines an object that can create shape drawables.
- ShapeSettings
- Represents settings used to control shape drawables in the UI
- TextDrawable
- Text Drawable
- TextSettings
- Represents settings used to create and draw text.
- FreeStyleMode
- Enum representing different states that free-style painting can be.
- HapticFeedbackSettings
- Represents the possible haptic feedback settings.
- ObjectDrawableAssist
- Defines the different types of assist lines objects might have.
- ColorBackgroundDrawableGetter on Color
- An extension on Color to create a background drawable easily.
- HapticFeedbackSettingsImpact on HapticFeedbackSettings
- An extension to add a method that performs the haptic feedback impact.
- ImageBackgroundDrawableGetter on Image
- An extension on ui.Image to create a background drawable easily.
on ImageProvider<
Object> - Adds a method to get a ui.Image object from any ImageProvider.
- PaintCopy on Paint
- Extension to add a copy method for Paint.
- PainterControllerHelper on PainterController
- Adds extra getters and setters in PainterController to make it easier to use.
- UiImagePngUint8ListGetter on Image
Adds a method to convert any ui.Image to a Uint8List using
(png) format.
- usingHtmlRenderer → bool
On native platform, the HTML renderer is never used.
no setter
- ObjectEnlargeControlsResolver = bool Function()
- ObjectShowScaleRotationControlsResolver = bool Function()