FlutterOpenimSdkFfiBindings class

Bindings for src/flutter_openim_sdk_ffi.h.

Regenerate bindings with flutter pub run ffigen --config ffigen.yaml.


FlutterOpenimSdkFfiBindings(DynamicLibrary dynamicLibrary)
The symbols are looked up in dynamicLibrary.
FlutterOpenimSdkFfiBindings.fromLookup(Pointer<T> lookup<T extends NativeType>(String symbolName))
The symbols are looked up with lookup.


Dart_CloseNativePort_DL Dart_CloseNativePort_Type
getter/setter pair
Dart_CurrentIsolate_DL Dart_CurrentIsolate_Type
getter/setter pair
Dart_DeleteFinalizableHandle_DL Dart_DeleteFinalizableHandle_Type
getter/setter pair
Dart_DeletePersistentHandle_DL Dart_DeletePersistentHandle_Type
getter/setter pair
Dart_DeleteWeakPersistentHandle_DL Dart_DeleteWeakPersistentHandle_Type
getter/setter pair
Dart_EnterIsolate_DL Dart_EnterIsolate_Type
getter/setter pair
Dart_EnterScope_DL Dart_EnterScope_Type
getter/setter pair
Dart_ErrorGetException_DL Dart_ErrorGetException_Type
getter/setter pair
Dart_ErrorGetStackTrace_DL Dart_ErrorGetStackTrace_Type
getter/setter pair
Dart_ErrorHasException_DL Dart_ErrorHasException_Type
getter/setter pair
Dart_ExitIsolate_DL Dart_ExitIsolate_Type
getter/setter pair
Dart_ExitScope_DL Dart_ExitScope_Type
getter/setter pair
Dart_GetError_DL Dart_GetError_Type
getter/setter pair
Dart_HandleFromPersistent_DL Dart_HandleFromPersistent_Type
getter/setter pair
Dart_HandleFromWeakPersistent_DL Dart_HandleFromWeakPersistent_Type
getter/setter pair
Dart_IsApiError_DL Dart_IsApiError_Type
getter/setter pair
Dart_IsCompilationError_DL Dart_IsCompilationError_Type
getter/setter pair
Dart_IsError_DL Dart_IsError_Type
getter/setter pair
Dart_IsFatalError_DL Dart_IsFatalError_Type
getter/setter pair
Dart_IsNull_DL Dart_IsNull_Type
getter/setter pair
Dart_IsUnhandledExceptionError_DL Dart_IsUnhandledExceptionError_Type
getter/setter pair
Dart_NewApiError_DL Dart_NewApiError_Type
getter/setter pair
Dart_NewCompilationError_DL Dart_NewCompilationError_Type
getter/setter pair
Dart_NewFinalizableHandle_DL Dart_NewFinalizableHandle_Type
getter/setter pair
Dart_NewNativePort_DL Dart_NewNativePort_Type
getter/setter pair
Dart_NewPersistentHandle_DL Dart_NewPersistentHandle_Type
getter/setter pair
Dart_NewSendPort_DL Dart_NewSendPort_Type
getter/setter pair
Dart_NewUnhandledExceptionError_DL Dart_NewUnhandledExceptionError_Type
getter/setter pair
Dart_NewWeakPersistentHandle_DL Dart_NewWeakPersistentHandle_Type
getter/setter pair
Dart_Null_DL Dart_Null_Type
getter/setter pair
Dart_Post_DL Dart_Post_Type
getter/setter pair
Dart_PostCObject_DL Dart_PostCObject_Type
getter/setter pair
Dart_PostInteger_DL Dart_PostInteger_Type
getter/setter pair
Dart_PropagateError_DL Dart_PropagateError_Type
getter/setter pair
Dart_SendPortGetId_DL Dart_SendPortGetId_Type
getter/setter pair
Dart_SetPersistentHandle_DL Dart_SetPersistentHandle_Type
getter/setter pair
Dart_UpdateExternalSize_DL Dart_UpdateExternalSize_Type
getter/setter pair
Dart_UpdateFinalizableExternalSize_DL Dart_UpdateFinalizableExternalSize_Type
getter/setter pair
daylight int
getter/setter pair
getdate_err int
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
suboptarg Pointer<Char>
getter/setter pair
sys_errlist Pointer<Pointer<Char>>
getter/setter pair
sys_nerr int
no setter
timezone int
getter/setter pair
tzname Pointer<Pointer<Char>>
getter/setter pair


a64l(Pointer<Char> arg0) int
abort() → void
abs(int arg0) int
AcceptFriendApplication(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> userIDHandleMsg) → void
AcceptGroupApplication(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> groupID, Pointer<Char> fromUserID, Pointer<Char> handleMsg) → void
AddBlack(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> blackUserID, Pointer<Char> ex) → void
AddFriend(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> userIDReqMsg) → void
aligned_alloc(int __alignment, int __size) Pointer<Void>
alloca(int arg0) Pointer<Void>
arc4random() int
arc4random_addrandom(Pointer<UnsignedChar> arg0, int arg1) → void
arc4random_buf(Pointer<Void> __buf, int __nbytes) → void
arc4random_stir() → void
arc4random_uniform(int __upper_bound) int
asctime(Pointer<tm> arg0) Pointer<Char>
asctime_r(Pointer<tm> arg0, Pointer<Char> arg1) Pointer<Char>
TSF Thread safe functions
asprintf(Pointer<Pointer<Char>> arg0, Pointer<Char> arg1) int
atexit(Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function()>> arg0) int
atof(Pointer<Char> arg0) double
atoi(Pointer<Char> arg0) int
atol(Pointer<Char> arg0) int
atoll(Pointer<Char> arg0) int
bsearch(Pointer<Void> __key, Pointer<Void> __base, int __nel, int __width, Pointer<NativeFunction<Int Function(Pointer<Void>, Pointer<Void>)>> __compar) Pointer<Void>
calloc(int __count, int __size) Pointer<Void>
callOnMethodChannel(Openim_Listener listener, int port, Pointer<Char> message) → void
cgetcap(Pointer<Char> arg0, Pointer<Char> arg1, int arg2) Pointer<Char>
getcap(3) functions
cgetclose() int
cgetent(Pointer<Pointer<Char>> arg0, Pointer<Pointer<Char>> arg1, Pointer<Char> arg2) int
cgetfirst(Pointer<Pointer<Char>> arg0, Pointer<Pointer<Char>> arg1) int
cgetmatch(Pointer<Char> arg0, Pointer<Char> arg1) int
cgetnext(Pointer<Pointer<Char>> arg0, Pointer<Pointer<Char>> arg1) int
cgetnum(Pointer<Char> arg0, Pointer<Char> arg1, Pointer<Long> arg2) int
cgetset(Pointer<Char> arg0) int
cgetstr(Pointer<Char> arg0, Pointer<Char> arg1, Pointer<Pointer<Char>> arg2) int
cgetustr(Pointer<Char> arg0, Pointer<Char> arg1, Pointer<Pointer<Char>> arg2) int
ChangeGroupMemberMute(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> groupID, Pointer<Char> userID, int mutedSeconds) → void
ChangeGroupMute(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> groupID, bool isMute) → void
CheckFriend(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> userIDList) → void
ClearConversationAndDeleteAllMsg(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> conversationID) → void
clearerr(Pointer<FILE> arg0) → void
clock() int
clock_getres(int __clock_id, Pointer<timespec> __res) int
clock_gettime(int __clock_id, Pointer<timespec> __tp) int
clock_gettime_nsec_np(int __clock_id) int
clock_settime(int __clock_id, Pointer<timespec> __tp) int
CreateAdvancedQuoteMessage(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> text, Pointer<Char> message, Pointer<Char> messageEntityList) Pointer<Char>
CreateAdvancedTextMessage(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> text, Pointer<Char> messageEntityList) Pointer<Char>
CreateCardMessage(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> cardInfo) Pointer<Char>
CreateCustomMessage(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> data, Pointer<Char> extension1, Pointer<Char> description) Pointer<Char>
CreateFaceMessage(Pointer<Char> operationID, int index, Pointer<Char> data) Pointer<Char>
CreateFileMessage(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> filePath, Pointer<Char> fileName) Pointer<Char>
CreateFileMessageByURL(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> fileBaseInfo) Pointer<Char>
CreateFileMessageFromFullPath(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> fileFullPath, Pointer<Char> fileName) Pointer<Char>
CreateForwardMessage(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> m) Pointer<Char>
CreateGroup(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> groupReqInfo) → void
CreateImageMessage(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> imagePath) Pointer<Char>
CreateImageMessageByURL(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> sourcePath, Pointer<Char> sourcePicture, Pointer<Char> bigPicture, Pointer<Char> snapshotPicture) Pointer<Char>
CreateImageMessageFromFullPath(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> imageFullPath) Pointer<Char>
CreateLocationMessage(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> description, double longitude, double latitude) Pointer<Char>
CreateMergerMessage(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> messageList, Pointer<Char> title, Pointer<Char> summaryList) Pointer<Char>
CreateQuoteMessage(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> text, Pointer<Char> message) Pointer<Char>
CreateSoundMessage(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> soundPath, int duration) Pointer<Char>
CreateSoundMessageByURL(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> soundBaseInfo) Pointer<Char>
CreateSoundMessageFromFullPath(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> soundFullPath, int duration) Pointer<Char>
CreateTextAtMessage(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> text, Pointer<Char> atUserList, Pointer<Char> atUsersInfo, Pointer<Char> message) Pointer<Char>
CreateTextMessage(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> text) Pointer<Char>
CreateVideoMessage(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> videoPath, Pointer<Char> videoType, int duration, Pointer<Char> snapshotPath) Pointer<Char>
CreateVideoMessageByURL(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> videoBaseInfo) Pointer<Char>
CreateVideoMessageFromFullPath(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> videoFullPath, Pointer<Char> videoType, int duration, Pointer<Char> snapshotFullPath) Pointer<Char>
ctermid(Pointer<Char> arg0) Pointer<Char>
ctermid_r(Pointer<Char> arg0) Pointer<Char>
ctime(Pointer<time_t> arg0) Pointer<Char>
ctime_r(Pointer<time_t> arg0, Pointer<Char> arg1) Pointer<Char>
daemon(int arg0, int arg1) int
Dart_AddSymbols(Pointer<Char> dso_name, Pointer<Void> buffer, int buffer_size) → void
Register symbol information for the Dart VM's profiler and crash dumps.
Dart_Allocate(Object type) Object
Allocate a new object without invoking a constructor.
Dart_AllocateWithNativeFields(Object type, int num_native_fields, Pointer<IntPtr> native_fields) Object
Allocate a new object without invoking a constructor, and sets specified native fields.
Dart_BooleanValue(Object boolean_obj, Pointer<Bool> value) Object
Gets the value of a Boolean
Dart_ClassLibrary(Object cls_type) Object
Returns a handle to the library which contains class.
Dart_ClassName(Object cls_type) Object
Returns the name for the provided class type.
Dart_Cleanup() Pointer<Char>
Cleanup state in the VM before process termination.
Dart_CloseNativePort(int native_port_id) bool
Closes the native port with the given id.
Dart_ClosureFunction(Object closure) Object
Retrieves the function of a closure.
Dart_CompileAll() Object
Forces all loaded classes and functions to be compiled eagerly in the current isolate..
Dart_CompileToKernel(Pointer<Char> script_uri, Pointer<Uint8> platform_kernel, int platform_kernel_size, bool incremental_compile, bool snapshot_compile, bool embed_sources, Pointer<Char> package_config, int verbosity) Dart_KernelCompilationResult
Compiles the given script_uri to a kernel file.
Dart_CopyUTF8EncodingOfString(Object str, Pointer<Uint8> utf8_array, int length) Object
Copies the UTF-8 encoded representation of a String into specified buffer.
Dart_CreateAppAOTSnapshotAsAssemblies(Dart_CreateLoadingUnitCallback next_callback, Pointer<Void> next_callback_data, bool stripped, Dart_StreamingWriteCallback write_callback, Dart_StreamingCloseCallback close_callback) Object
Dart_CreateAppAOTSnapshotAsAssembly(Dart_StreamingWriteCallback callback, Pointer<Void> callback_data, bool stripped, Pointer<Void> debug_callback_data) Object
Creates a precompiled snapshot.
Dart_CreateAppAOTSnapshotAsElf(Dart_StreamingWriteCallback callback, Pointer<Void> callback_data, bool stripped, Pointer<Void> debug_callback_data) Object
Creates a precompiled snapshot.
Dart_CreateAppAOTSnapshotAsElfs(Dart_CreateLoadingUnitCallback next_callback, Pointer<Void> next_callback_data, bool stripped, Dart_StreamingWriteCallback write_callback, Dart_StreamingCloseCallback close_callback) Object
Dart_CreateAppJITSnapshotAsBlobs(Pointer<Pointer<Uint8>> isolate_snapshot_data_buffer, Pointer<IntPtr> isolate_snapshot_data_size, Pointer<Pointer<Uint8>> isolate_snapshot_instructions_buffer, Pointer<IntPtr> isolate_snapshot_instructions_size) Object
Creates a snapshot that caches compiled code and type feedback for faster startup and quicker warmup in a subsequent process.
Dart_CreateCoreJITSnapshotAsBlobs(Pointer<Pointer<Uint8>> vm_snapshot_data_buffer, Pointer<IntPtr> vm_snapshot_data_size, Pointer<Pointer<Uint8>> vm_snapshot_instructions_buffer, Pointer<IntPtr> vm_snapshot_instructions_size, Pointer<Pointer<Uint8>> isolate_snapshot_data_buffer, Pointer<IntPtr> isolate_snapshot_data_size, Pointer<Pointer<Uint8>> isolate_snapshot_instructions_buffer, Pointer<IntPtr> isolate_snapshot_instructions_size) Object
Like Dart_CreateAppJITSnapshotAsBlobs, but also creates a new VM snapshot.
Dart_CreateIsolateGroup(Pointer<Char> script_uri, Pointer<Char> name, Pointer<Uint8> isolate_snapshot_data, Pointer<Uint8> isolate_snapshot_instructions, Pointer<Dart_IsolateFlags> flags, Pointer<Void> isolate_group_data, Pointer<Void> isolate_data, Pointer<Pointer<Char>> error) Dart_Isolate
Creates a new isolate. The new isolate becomes the current isolate.
Dart_CreateIsolateGroupFromKernel(Pointer<Char> script_uri, Pointer<Char> name, Pointer<Uint8> kernel_buffer, int kernel_buffer_size, Pointer<Dart_IsolateFlags> flags, Pointer<Void> isolate_group_data, Pointer<Void> isolate_data, Pointer<Pointer<Char>> error) Dart_Isolate
Creates a new isolate from a Dart Kernel file. The new isolate becomes the current isolate.
Dart_CreateIsolateInGroup(Dart_Isolate group_member, Pointer<Char> name, Dart_IsolateShutdownCallback shutdown_callback, Dart_IsolateCleanupCallback cleanup_callback, Pointer<Void> child_isolate_data, Pointer<Pointer<Char>> error) Dart_Isolate
Creates a new isolate inside the isolate group of group_member.
Dart_CreateSnapshot(Pointer<Pointer<Uint8>> vm_snapshot_data_buffer, Pointer<IntPtr> vm_snapshot_data_size, Pointer<Pointer<Uint8>> isolate_snapshot_data_buffer, Pointer<IntPtr> isolate_snapshot_data_size, bool is_core) Object
Creates a full snapshot of the current isolate heap.
Dart_CreateVMAOTSnapshotAsAssembly(Dart_StreamingWriteCallback callback, Pointer<Void> callback_data) Object
Like Dart_CreateAppAOTSnapshotAsAssembly, but only includes kDartVmSnapshotData and kDartVmSnapshotInstructions. It also does not strip DWARF information from the generated assembly or allow for separate debug information.
Dart_CurrentIsolate() Dart_Isolate
Returns the current isolate. Will return NULL if there is no current isolate.
Dart_CurrentIsolateData() Pointer<Void>
Returns the callback data associated with the current isolate. This data was set when the isolate got created or initialized.
Dart_CurrentIsolateGroup() Dart_IsolateGroup
Returns the current isolate group. Will return NULL if there is no current isolate group.
Dart_CurrentIsolateGroupData() Pointer<Void>
Returns the callback data associated with the current isolate group. This data was passed to the isolate group when it was created.
Dart_CurrentIsolateGroupId() int
Dart_DebugName() Object
Returns the debugging name for the current isolate.
Dart_DebugNameToCString() Pointer<Char>
Returns the debugging name for the current isolate.
Dart_DefaultCanonicalizeUrl(Object base_url, Object url) Object
Canonicalizes a url with respect to some library.
Dart_DeferredLoadComplete(int loading_unit_id, Pointer<Uint8> snapshot_data, Pointer<Uint8> snapshot_instructions) Object
Notifies the VM that a deferred load completed successfully. This function will eventually cause the corresponding prefix.loadLibrary() futures to complete.
Dart_DeferredLoadCompleteError(int loading_unit_id, Pointer<Char> error_message, bool transient) Object
Notifies the VM that a deferred load failed. This function will eventually cause the corresponding prefix.loadLibrary() futures to complete with an error.
Dart_DeleteFinalizableHandle(Dart_FinalizableHandle object, Object strong_ref_to_object) → void
Deletes the given finalizable object handle.
Dart_DeletePersistentHandle(Object object) → void
Deallocates a persistent handle.
Dart_DeleteWeakPersistentHandle(Dart_WeakPersistentHandle object) → void
Deletes the given weak persistent object handle.
Dart_DetectNullSafety(Pointer<Char> script_uri, Pointer<Char> package_config, Pointer<Char> original_working_directory, Pointer<Uint8> snapshot_data, Pointer<Uint8> snapshot_instructions, Pointer<Uint8> kernel_buffer, int kernel_buffer_size) bool
Detect the null safety opt-in status.
Dart_DisableHeapSampling() → void
Stops the heap sampling profiler for each thread in the VM.
Dart_DoubleValue(Object double_obj, Pointer<Double> value) Object
Gets the value of a Double
Dart_DumpNativeStackTrace(Pointer<Void> context) → void
Print a native stack trace. Used for crash handling.
Dart_EmptyString() Object
Returns the empty string object.
Dart_EnableHeapSampling() → void
Starts the heap sampling profiler for each thread in the VM.
Dart_EnterIsolate(Dart_Isolate isolate) → void
Enters an isolate. After calling this function, the current isolate will be set to the provided isolate.
Dart_EnterScope() → void
Enters a new scope.
Dart_ErrorGetException(Object handle) Object
Gets the exception Object from an unhandled exception error handle.
Dart_ErrorGetStackTrace(Object handle) Object
Gets the stack trace Object from an unhandled exception error handle.
Dart_ErrorHasException(Object handle) bool
Is this an error handle for an unhandled exception?
Dart_ExecuteInternalCommand(Pointer<Char> command, Pointer<Void> arg) Pointer<Void>
This function is intentionally undocumented.
Dart_ExitIsolate() → void
Exits an isolate. After this call, Dart_CurrentIsolate will return NULL.
Dart_ExitScope() → void
Exits a scope.
Dart_False() Object
Returns the False object.
Dart_FinalizeAllClasses() Object
Finalizes all classes.
Dart_FinalizeLoading(bool complete_futures) Object
Indicates that all outstanding load requests have been satisfied. This finalizes all the new classes loaded and optionally completes deferred library futures.
Dart_FunctionIsStatic(Object function, Pointer<Bool> is_static) Object
Determines whether a function handle refers to a static function of method.
Dart_FunctionName(Object function) Object
Returns the name for the provided function or method.
Dart_FunctionOwner(Object function) Object
Returns a handle to the owner of a function.
Dart_GetClass(Object library1, Object class_name) Object
Lookup a class or interface by name from a Library.
Dart_GetDataFromByteBuffer(Object byte_buffer) Object
Returns the TypedData object associated with the ByteBuffer object.
Dart_GetError(Object handle) Pointer<Char>
Gets the error message from an error handle.
Dart_GetField(Object container, Object name) Object
Gets the value of a field.
Dart_GetLoadedLibraries() Object
\return An array of libraries.
Dart_GetMainPortId() int
Gets the main port id for the current isolate.
Dart_GetMessageNotifyCallback() Dart_MessageNotifyCallback
Query the current message notify callback for the isolate.
Dart_GetNativeArgument(Dart_NativeArguments args, int index) Object
Gets the native argument at some index.
Dart_GetNativeArgumentCount(Dart_NativeArguments args) int
Gets the number of native arguments.
Dart_GetNativeArguments(Dart_NativeArguments args, int num_arguments, Pointer<Dart_NativeArgument_Descriptor> arg_descriptors, Pointer<Dart_NativeArgument_Value> arg_values) Object
Gets the native arguments based on the types passed in and populates the passed arguments buffer with appropriate native values.
Dart_GetNativeBooleanArgument(Dart_NativeArguments args, int index, Pointer<Bool> value) Object
Gets a boolean native argument at some index. \param args Native arguments structure. \param index Index of the desired argument in the structure above. \param value Returns the boolean value if the argument is a Boolean. \return Success if no error occurs. Otherwise returns an error handle.
Dart_GetNativeDoubleArgument(Dart_NativeArguments args, int index, Pointer<Double> value) Object
Gets a double native argument at some index. \param args Native arguments structure. \param index Index of the desired argument in the structure above. \param value Returns the double value if the argument is a double. \return Success if no error occurs. Otherwise returns an error handle.
Dart_GetNativeFieldsOfArgument(Dart_NativeArguments args, int arg_index, int num_fields, Pointer<IntPtr> field_values) Object
Gets all the native fields of the native argument at some index. \param args Native arguments structure. \param arg_index Index of the desired argument in the structure above. \param num_fields size of the intptr_t array 'field_values' passed in. \param field_values intptr_t array in which native field values are returned. \return Success if the native fields where copied in successfully. Otherwise returns an error handle. On success the native field values are copied into the 'field_values' array, if the argument at 'arg_index' is a null object then 0 is copied as the native field values into the 'field_values' array.
Dart_GetNativeInstanceField(Object obj, int index, Pointer<IntPtr> value) Object
Gets the value of a native field.
Dart_GetNativeInstanceFieldCount(Object obj, Pointer<Int> count) Object
Gets the number of native instance fields in an object.
Dart_GetNativeIntegerArgument(Dart_NativeArguments args, int index, Pointer<Int64> value) Object
Gets an integer native argument at some index. \param args Native arguments structure. \param index Index of the desired argument in the structure above. \param value Returns the integer value if the argument is an Integer. \return Success if no error occurs. Otherwise returns an error handle.
Dart_GetNativeIsolateGroupData(Dart_NativeArguments args) Pointer<Void>
Extracts current isolate group data from the native arguments structure.
Dart_GetNativeReceiver(Dart_NativeArguments args, Pointer<IntPtr> value) Object
Gets the native field of the receiver.
Dart_GetNativeResolver(Object library1, Pointer<Dart_NativeEntryResolver> resolver) Object
Returns the callback used to resolve native functions for a library.
Dart_GetNativeStringArgument(Dart_NativeArguments args, int arg_index, Pointer<Pointer<Void>> peer) Object
Gets a string native argument at some index. \param args Native arguments structure. \param arg_index Index of the desired argument in the structure above. \param peer Returns the peer pointer if the string argument has one. \return Success if the string argument has a peer, if it does not have a peer then the String object is returned. Otherwise returns an error handle (argument is not a String object).
Dart_GetNativeSymbol(Object library1, Pointer<Dart_NativeEntrySymbol> resolver) Object
Returns the callback used to resolve native function symbols for a library.
Dart_GetNonNullableType(Object library1, Object class_name, int number_of_type_arguments, Pointer<Handle> type_arguments) Object
Lookup or instantiate a non-nullable type by name and type arguments from Library.
Dart_GetNullableType(Object library1, Object class_name, int number_of_type_arguments, Pointer<Handle> type_arguments) Object
Lookup or instantiate a nullable type by name and type arguments from Library.
Dart_GetObfuscationMap(Pointer<Pointer<Uint8>> buffer, Pointer<IntPtr> buffer_length) Object
Get obfuscation map for precompiled code.
Dart_GetPeer(Object object, Pointer<Pointer<Void>> peer) Object
Returns the value of peer field of 'object' in 'peer'.
Dart_GetStaticMethodClosure(Object library1, Object cls_type, Object function_name) Object
Returns a closure of static function 'function_name' in the class 'class_name' in the exported namespace of specified 'library'.
Dart_GetStickyError() Object
Gets the sticky error for the current isolate.
Dart_GetType(Object library1, Object class_name, int number_of_type_arguments, Pointer<Handle> type_arguments) Object
Lookup or instantiate a legacy type by name and type arguments from a Library.
Dart_GetTypeOfExternalTypedData(Object object) int
Return type if this object is an external TypedData object.
Dart_GetTypeOfTypedData(Object object) int
Return type if this object is a TypedData object.
Dart_HandleFromPersistent(Object object) Object
Allocates a handle in the current scope from a persistent handle.
Dart_HandleFromWeakPersistent(Dart_WeakPersistentHandle object) Object
Allocates a handle in the current scope from a weak persistent handle.
Dart_HandleMessage() Object
Handles the next pending message for the current isolate.
Dart_HandleServiceMessages() bool
Handles any pending messages for the vm service for the current isolate.
Dart_HasLivePorts() bool
Does the current isolate have live ReceivePorts?
Dart_HasServiceMessages() bool
Does the current isolate have pending service messages?
Dart_HasStickyError() bool
Does the current isolate have a sticky error?
Dart_IdentityEquals(Object obj1, Object obj2) bool
Checks to see if two handles refer to identically equal objects.
Dart_Initialize(Pointer<Dart_InitializeParams> params) Pointer<Char>
Initializes the VM.
Dart_InitializeApiDL(Pointer<Void> data) int
\mainpage Dynamically Linked Dart API
Dart_InstanceGetType(Object instance) Object
Gets the type of a Dart language object.
Dart_IntegerFitsIntoInt64(Object integer, Pointer<Bool> fits) Object
Does this Integer fit into a 64-bit signed integer?
Dart_IntegerFitsIntoUint64(Object integer, Pointer<Bool> fits) Object
Does this Integer fit into a 64-bit unsigned integer?
Dart_IntegerToHexCString(Object integer, Pointer<Pointer<Char>> value) Object
Gets the value of an integer as a hexadecimal C string.
Dart_IntegerToInt64(Object integer, Pointer<Int64> value) Object
Gets the value of an Integer.
Dart_IntegerToUint64(Object integer, Pointer<Uint64> value) Object
Gets the value of an Integer.
Dart_Invoke(Object target, Object name, int number_of_arguments, Pointer<Handle> arguments) Object
Invokes a method or function.
Dart_InvokeClosure(Object closure, int number_of_arguments, Pointer<Handle> arguments) Object
Invokes a Closure with the given arguments.
Dart_InvokeConstructor(Object object, Object name, int number_of_arguments, Pointer<Handle> arguments) Object
Invokes a Generative Constructor on an object that was previously allocated using Dart_Allocate/Dart_AllocateWithNativeFields.
Dart_IsApiError(Object handle) bool
Is this an api error handle?
Dart_IsBoolean(Object object) bool
Dart_IsByteBuffer(Object object) bool
Dart_IsClosure(Object object) bool
Dart_IsCompilationError(Object handle) bool
Is this a compilation error handle?
Dart_IsDouble(Object object) bool
Dart_IsError(Object handle) bool
Is this an error handle?
Dart_IsExternalString(Object object) bool
Dart_IsFatalError(Object handle) bool
Is this a fatal error handle?
Dart_IsFunction(Object handle) bool
Dart_IsFuture(Object object) bool
Dart_IsInstance(Object object) bool
Query object type.
Dart_IsInteger(Object object) bool
Dart_IsKernel(Pointer<Uint8> buffer, int buffer_size) bool
Returns whether the buffer contains a kernel file.
Dart_IsKernelIsolate(Dart_Isolate isolate) bool
Dart_IsLegacyType(Object type, Pointer<Bool> result) Object
Dart_IsLibrary(Object object) bool
Dart_IsList(Object object) bool
Dart_IsMap(Object object) bool
Dart_IsNonNullableType(Object type, Pointer<Bool> result) Object
Dart_IsNull(Object object) bool
Is this object null?
Dart_IsNullableType(Object type, Pointer<Bool> result) Object
A type's nullability.
Dart_IsNumber(Object object) bool
Dart_IsolateData(Dart_Isolate isolate) Pointer<Void>
Returns the callback data associated with the given isolate. This data was set when the isolate got created or initialized.
Dart_IsolateFlagsInitialize(Pointer<Dart_IsolateFlags> flags) → void
Initialize Dart_IsolateFlags with correct version and default values.
Dart_IsolateGroupData(Dart_Isolate isolate) Pointer<Void>
Returns the callback data associated with the specified isolate group. This data was passed to the isolate when it was created. The embedder is responsible for ensuring the consistency of this data with respect to the lifecycle of an isolate group.
Dart_IsolateMakeRunnable(Dart_Isolate isolate) Pointer<Char>
Make isolate runnable.
Dart_IsolateServiceId(Dart_Isolate isolate) Pointer<Char>
Returns the ID for an isolate which is used to query the service protocol.
Dart_IsPausedOnExit() bool
Is the current isolate paused on exit?
Dart_IsPausedOnStart() bool
Is the current isolate paused on start?
Dart_IsPrecompiledRuntime() bool
Returns whether the VM only supports running from precompiled snapshots and not from any other kind of snapshot or from source (that is, the VM was compiled with DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME).
Dart_IsServiceIsolate(Dart_Isolate isolate) bool
Returns true if isolate is the service isolate.
Dart_IsString(Object object) bool
Dart_IsStringLatin1(Object object) bool
Dart_IsTearOff(Object object) bool
Is this object a closure resulting from a tear-off (closurized method)?
Dart_IsType(Object handle) bool
Dart_IsTypedData(Object object) bool
Dart_IsTypeVariable(Object handle) bool
Dart_IsUnhandledExceptionError(Object handle) bool
Is this an unhandled exception error handle?
Dart_IsVariable(Object handle) bool
Dart_IsVMFlagSet(Pointer<Char> flag_name) bool
Returns true if the named VM flag is of boolean type, specified, and set to true.
Dart_KernelIsolateIsRunning() bool
Dart_KernelListDependencies() Dart_KernelCompilationResult
Dart_KernelPort() int
Dart_KillIsolate(Dart_Isolate isolate) → void
Kills the given isolate.
Dart_LibraryHandleError(Object library1, Object error) Object
Report an loading error for the library.
Dart_LibraryResolvedUrl(Object library1) Object
Returns a URL from which a Library was loaded.
Dart_LibraryUrl(Object library1) Object
Returns an import path to a Library, such as "file:///test.dart" or "dart:core".
Dart_ListGetAsBytes(Object list, int offset, Pointer<Uint8> native_array, int length) Object
May generate an unhandled exception error.
Dart_ListGetAt(Object list, int index) Object
Gets the Object at some index of a List.
Dart_ListGetRange(Object list, int offset, int length, Pointer<Handle> result) Object
Gets a range of Objects from a List.
Dart_ListLength(Object list, Pointer<IntPtr> length) Object
Gets the length of a List.
Dart_ListSetAsBytes(Object list, int offset, Pointer<Uint8> native_array, int length) Object
May generate an unhandled exception error.
Dart_ListSetAt(Object list, int index, Object value) Object
Sets the Object at some index of a List.
Dart_LoadingUnitLibraryUris(int loading_unit_id) Object
Dart_LoadLibrary(Object kernel_buffer) Object
Dart_LoadLibraryFromKernel(Pointer<Uint8> kernel_buffer, int kernel_buffer_size) Object
Called by the embedder to load a partial program. Does not set the root library.
Dart_LoadScriptFromKernel(Pointer<Uint8> kernel_buffer, int kernel_size) Object
Loads the root library for the current isolate.
Dart_LookupLibrary(Object url) Object
Dart_MapContainsKey(Object map, Object key) Object
Returns whether the Map contains a given key.
Dart_MapGetAt(Object map, Object key) Object
Gets the Object at some key of a Map.
Dart_MapKeys(Object map) Object
Gets the list of keys of a Map.
Dart_New(Object type, Object constructor_name, int number_of_arguments, Pointer<Handle> arguments) Object
Invokes a constructor, creating a new object.
Dart_NewApiError(Pointer<Char> error) Object
Produces an api error handle with the provided error message.
Dart_NewBoolean(bool value) Object
Returns a Boolean with the provided value.
Dart_NewByteBuffer(Object typed_data) Object
Returns a ByteBuffer object for the typed data.
Dart_NewCompilationError(Pointer<Char> error) Object
Dart_NewDouble(double value) Object
Returns a Double with the provided value.
Dart_NewExternalLatin1String(Pointer<Uint8> latin1_array, int length, Pointer<Void> peer, int external_allocation_size, Dart_HandleFinalizer callback) Object
Returns a String which references an external array of Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1) encoded characters.
Dart_NewExternalTypedData(int type, Pointer<Void> data, int length) Object
Returns a TypedData object which references an external data array.
Dart_NewExternalTypedDataWithFinalizer(int type, Pointer<Void> data, int length, Pointer<Void> peer, int external_allocation_size, Dart_HandleFinalizer callback) Object
Returns a TypedData object which references an external data array.
Dart_NewExternalUTF16String(Pointer<Uint16> utf16_array, int length, Pointer<Void> peer, int external_allocation_size, Dart_HandleFinalizer callback) Object
Returns a String which references an external array of UTF-16 encoded characters.
Dart_NewFinalizableHandle(Object object, Pointer<Void> peer, int external_allocation_size, Dart_HandleFinalizer callback) Dart_FinalizableHandle
Allocates a finalizable handle for an object.
Dart_NewInteger(int value) Object
Returns an Integer with the provided value.
Dart_NewIntegerFromHexCString(Pointer<Char> value) Object
Returns an Integer with the provided value.
Dart_NewIntegerFromUint64(int value) Object
Returns an Integer with the provided value.
Dart_NewList(int length) Object
Returns a List
Dart_NewListOf(int element_type_id, int length) Object
TODO(bkonyi): convert this to use nullable types once NNBD is enabled. /**
Dart_NewListOfType(Object element_type, int length) Object
Returns a List of the desired length with the desired element type.
Dart_NewListOfTypeFilled(Object element_type, Object fill_object, int length) Object
Returns a List of the desired length with the desired element type, filled with the provided object.
Dart_NewNativePort(Pointer<Char> name, Dart_NativeMessageHandler handler, bool handle_concurrently) int
Creates a new native port. When messages are received on this native port, then they will be dispatched to the provided native message handler.
Dart_NewPersistentHandle(Object object) Object
Allocates a persistent handle for an object.
Dart_NewSendPort(int port_id) Object
Returns a new SendPort with the provided port id.
Dart_NewStringFromCString(Pointer<Char> str) Object
Returns a String built from the provided C string (There is an implicit assumption that the C string passed in contains UTF-8 encoded characters and '\0' is considered as a termination character).
Dart_NewStringFromUTF16(Pointer<Uint16> utf16_array, int length) Object
Returns a String built from an array of UTF-16 encoded characters.
Dart_NewStringFromUTF32(Pointer<Int32> utf32_array, int length) Object
Returns a String built from an array of UTF-32 encoded characters.
Dart_NewStringFromUTF8(Pointer<Uint8> utf8_array, int length) Object
Returns a String built from an array of UTF-8 encoded characters.
Dart_NewTypedData(int type, int length) Object
Returns a TypedData object of the desired length and type.
Dart_NewUnhandledExceptionError(Object exception) Object
Produces a new unhandled exception error handle.
Dart_NewUnmodifiableExternalTypedDataWithFinalizer(int type, Pointer<Void> data, int length, Pointer<Void> peer, int external_allocation_size, Dart_HandleFinalizer callback) Object
Dart_NewWeakPersistentHandle(Object object, Pointer<Void> peer, int external_allocation_size, Dart_HandleFinalizer callback) Dart_WeakPersistentHandle
Allocates a weak persistent handle for an object.
Dart_NotifyDestroyed() → void
Notifies the VM that the embedder expects the application's working set has recently shrunk significantly and is not expected to rise in the near future. The VM may spend O(heap-size) time performing clean up work.
Dart_NotifyIdle(int deadline) → void
Notifies the VM that the embedder expects to be idle until |deadline|. The VM may use this time to perform garbage collection or other tasks to avoid delays during execution of Dart code in the future.
Dart_NotifyLowMemory() → void
Notifies the VM that the system is running low on memory.
Dart_Null() Object
Returns the null object.
Dart_ObjectEquals(Object obj1, Object obj2, Pointer<Bool> equal) Object
Checks if the two objects are equal.
Dart_ObjectIsType(Object object, Object type, Pointer<Bool> instanceof) Object
Is this object an instance of some type?
Dart_Post(int port_id, Object object) bool
Posts a message for some isolate. The message is a serialized object.
Dart_PostCObject(int port_id, Pointer<Dart_CObject> message) bool
Posts a message on some port. The message will contain the Dart_CObject object graph rooted in 'message'.
Dart_PostInteger(int port_id, int message) bool
Posts a message on some port. The message will contain the integer 'message'.
Dart_Precompile() Object
Compiles all functions reachable from entry points and marks the isolate to disallow future compilation.
Dart_PrepareToAbort() → void
Indicate that the process is about to abort, and the Dart VM should not attempt to cleanup resources.
Dart_PropagateError(Object handle) → void
Propagates an error.
Dart_RegisterHeapSamplingCallback(Dart_HeapSamplingCreateCallback create_callback, Dart_HeapSamplingDeleteCallback delete_callback) → void
Registers callbacks are invoked once per sampled allocation upon object allocation and garbage collection.
Dart_ReportSurvivingAllocations(Dart_HeapSamplingReportCallback callback, Pointer<Void> context, bool force_gc) → void
Reports the surviving allocation samples for all live isolate groups in the VM.
Dart_ReThrowException(Object exception, Object stacktrace) Object
Rethrows an exception.
Dart_RootLibrary() Object
Gets the library for the root script for the current isolate.
Dart_RunLoop() Object
Processes any incoming messages for the current isolate.
Dart_RunLoopAsync(bool errors_are_fatal, int on_error_port, int on_exit_port, Pointer<Pointer<Char>> error) bool
Lets the VM run message processing for the isolate.
Dart_ScopeAllocate(int size) Pointer<Uint8>
The Dart VM uses "zone allocation" for temporary structures. Zones support very fast allocation of small chunks of memory. The chunks cannot be deallocated individually, but instead zones support deallocating all chunks in one fast operation.
Dart_SendPortGetId(Object port, Pointer<Dart_Port> port_id) Object
Gets the SendPort id for the provided SendPort. \param port A SendPort object whose id is desired. \param port_id Returns the id of the SendPort. \return Success if no error occurs. Otherwise returns an error handle.
Dart_SetBooleanReturnValue(Dart_NativeArguments args, bool retval) → void
Dart_SetDartLibrarySourcesKernel(Pointer<Uint8> platform_kernel, int platform_kernel_size) → void
Sets the kernel buffer which will be used to load Dart SDK sources dynamically at runtime.
Dart_SetDeferredLoadHandler(Dart_DeferredLoadHandler handler) Object
Sets the deferred load handler for the current isolate. This handler is used to handle loading deferred imports in an AppJIT or AppAOT program.
Dart_SetDoubleReturnValue(Dart_NativeArguments args, double retval) → void
Dart_SetDwarfStackTraceFootnoteCallback(Dart_DwarfStackTraceFootnoteCallback callback) → void
Configure DWARF stack trace footnote callback.
Dart_SetEnvironmentCallback(Dart_EnvironmentCallback callback) Object
Sets the environment callback for the current isolate. This callback is used to lookup environment values by name in the current environment. This enables the embedder to supply values for the const constructors bool.fromEnvironment, int.fromEnvironment and String.fromEnvironment.
Dart_SetFfiNativeResolver(Object library1, Dart_FfiNativeResolver resolver) Object
Sets the callback used to resolve FFI native functions for a library. The resolved functions are expected to be a C function pointer of the correct signature (as specified in the @Native<NFT>() function annotation in Dart code).
Dart_SetField(Object container, Object name, Object value) Object
Sets the value of a field.
Dart_SetHeapSamplingPeriod(int bytes) → void
Sets the average heap sampling rate based on a number of |bytes| for each thread.
Dart_SetIntegerReturnValue(Dart_NativeArguments args, int retval) → void
Dart_SetLibraryTagHandler(Dart_LibraryTagHandler handler) Object
Sets library tag handler for the current isolate. This handler is used to handle the various tags encountered while loading libraries or scripts in the isolate.
Dart_SetMessageNotifyCallback(Dart_MessageNotifyCallback message_notify_callback) → void
Allows embedders to provide a custom wakeup mechanism for the delivery of inter-isolate messages. This setting only applies to the current isolate.
Dart_SetNativeInstanceField(Object obj, int index, int value) Object
Sets the value of a native field.
Dart_SetNativeResolver(Object library1, Dart_NativeEntryResolver resolver, Dart_NativeEntrySymbol symbol) Object
Sets the callback used to resolve native functions for a library.
Dart_SetPausedOnExit(bool paused) → void
Called when the embedder has paused the current isolate on exit and when the embedder has resumed the isolate.
Dart_SetPausedOnStart(bool paused) → void
Called when the embedder has paused the current isolate on start and when the embedder has resumed the isolate.
Dart_SetPeer(Object object, Pointer<Void> peer) Object
Sets the value of the peer field of 'object' to the value of 'peer'.
Dart_SetPerformanceMode(int mode) int
Set the desired performance trade-off.
Dart_SetPersistentHandle(Object obj1, Object obj2) → void
Assign value of local handle to a persistent handle.
Dart_SetReturnValue(Dart_NativeArguments args, Object retval) → void
Sets the return value for a native function.
Dart_SetRootLibrary(Object library1) Object
Sets the root library for the current isolate.
Dart_SetShouldPauseOnExit(bool should_pause) → void
Override the VM flag --pause-isolates-on-exit for the current isolate.
Dart_SetShouldPauseOnStart(bool should_pause) → void
Override the VM flag --pause-isolates-on-start for the current isolate.
Dart_SetStickyError(Object error) → void
Called when the embedder has caught a top level unhandled exception error in the current isolate.
Dart_SetVMFlags(int argc, Pointer<Pointer<Char>> argv) Pointer<Char>
Sets command line flags. Should be called before Dart_Initialize.
Dart_SetWeakHandleReturnValue(Dart_NativeArguments args, Dart_WeakPersistentHandle rval) → void
Dart_ShouldPauseOnExit() bool
If the VM flag --pause-isolates-on-exit was passed this will be true.
Dart_ShouldPauseOnStart() bool
If the VM flag --pause-isolates-on-start was passed this will be true.
Dart_ShutdownIsolate() → void
Shuts down the current isolate. After this call, the current isolate is NULL. Any current scopes created by Dart_EnterScope will be exited. Invokes the shutdown callback and any callbacks of remaining weak persistent handles.
Dart_SortClasses() Object
Sorts the class-ids in depth first traversal order of the inheritance tree. This is a costly operation, but it can make method dispatch more efficient and is done before writing snapshots.
Dart_StartProfiling() → void
Starts the CPU sampling profiler.
Dart_StopProfiling() → void
Stops the CPU sampling profiler.
Dart_StringGetProperties(Object str, Pointer<IntPtr> char_size, Pointer<IntPtr> str_len, Pointer<Pointer<Void>> peer) Object
Retrieves some properties associated with a String. Properties retrieved are:
Dart_StringLength(Object str, Pointer<IntPtr> length) Object
Gets the length of a String.
Dart_StringStorageSize(Object str, Pointer<IntPtr> size) Object
Gets the storage size in bytes of a String.
Dart_StringToCString(Object str, Pointer<Pointer<Char>> cstr) Object
Gets the C string representation of a String. (It is a sequence of UTF-8 encoded values with a '\0' termination.)
Dart_StringToLatin1(Object str, Pointer<Uint8> latin1_array, Pointer<IntPtr> length) Object
Gets the data corresponding to the string object. This function returns the data only for Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1) string objects. For all other string objects it returns an error.
Dart_StringToUTF16(Object str, Pointer<Uint16> utf16_array, Pointer<IntPtr> length) Object
Gets the UTF-16 encoded representation of a string.
Dart_StringToUTF8(Object str, Pointer<Pointer<Uint8>> utf8_array, Pointer<IntPtr> length) Object
Gets a UTF-8 encoded representation of a String.
Dart_StringUTF8Length(Object str, Pointer<IntPtr> length) Object
Gets the length of UTF-8 encoded representation for a string.
Dart_ThreadDisableProfiling() → void
Notifies the VM that the current thread should not be profiled until a matching call to Dart_ThreadEnableProfiling is made.
Dart_ThreadEnableProfiling() → void
Notifies the VM that the current thread should be profiled.
Dart_ThrowException(Object exception) Object
Throws an exception.
Dart_ToString(Object object) Object
Converts an object to a string.
Dart_True() Object
Returns the True object.
Dart_TypedDataAcquireData(Object object, Pointer<Int32> type, Pointer<Pointer<Void>> data, Pointer<IntPtr> len) Object
Acquires access to the internal data address of a TypedData object.
Dart_TypedDataReleaseData(Object object) Object
Releases access to the internal data address that was acquired earlier using Dart_TypedDataAcquireData.
Dart_TypeDynamic() Object
Returns types that are not classes, and which therefore cannot be looked up as library members by Dart_GetType.
Dart_TypeNever() Object
Dart_TypeToNonNullableType(Object type) Object
Creates a non-nullable version of the provided type.
Dart_TypeToNullableType(Object type) Object
Creates a nullable version of the provided type.
Dart_TypeVoid() Object
Dart_VersionString() Pointer<Char>
Gets the version string for the Dart VM.
Dart_WaitForEvent(int timeout_millis) Object
Drains the microtask queue, then blocks the calling thread until the current isolate receives a message, then handles all messages.
Dart_WriteProfileToTimeline(int main_port, Pointer<Pointer<Char>> error) bool
Writes the CPU profile to the timeline as a series of 'instant' events.
DeleteAllMsgFromLocal(Pointer<Char> operationID) → void
DeleteAllMsgFromLocalAndSvr(Pointer<Char> operationID) → void
DeleteConversationAndDeleteAllMsg(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> conversationID) → void
DeleteFriend(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> friendUserID) → void
DeleteMessage(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> conversationID, Pointer<Char> clientMsgID) → void
DeleteMessageFromLocalStorage(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> conversationID, Pointer<Char> clientMsgID) → void
devname(int arg0, int arg1) Pointer<Char>
devname_r(int arg0, int arg1, Pointer<Char> buf, int len) Pointer<Char>
difftime(int arg0, int arg1) double
DismissGroup(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> groupID) → void
div(int arg0, int arg1) div_t
calloc is now declared in _malloc.h
dprintf(int arg0, Pointer<Char> arg1) int
drand48() double
ecvt(double arg0, int arg1, Pointer<Int> arg2, Pointer<Int> arg3) Pointer<Char>
erand48(Pointer<UnsignedShort> arg0) double
exit(int arg0) → void
fclose(Pointer<FILE> arg0) int
fcvt(double arg0, int arg1, Pointer<Int> arg2, Pointer<Int> arg3) Pointer<Char>
fdopen(int arg0, Pointer<Char> arg1) Pointer<FILE>
feof(Pointer<FILE> arg0) int
ferror(Pointer<FILE> arg0) int
fflush(Pointer<FILE> arg0) int
fgetc(Pointer<FILE> arg0) int
fgetln(Pointer<FILE> arg0, Pointer<Size> arg1) Pointer<Char>
fgetpos(Pointer<FILE> arg0, Pointer<fpos_t> arg1) int
fgets(Pointer<Char> arg0, int arg1, Pointer<FILE> arg2) Pointer<Char>
fileno(Pointer<FILE> arg0) int
FindMessageList(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> findMessageOptions) → void
flockfile(Pointer<FILE> arg0) → void
fmemopen(Pointer<Void> __buf, int __size, Pointer<Char> __mode) Pointer<FILE>
fmtcheck(Pointer<Char> arg0, Pointer<Char> arg1) Pointer<Char>
fopen(Pointer<Char> __filename, Pointer<Char> __mode) Pointer<FILE>
fprintf(Pointer<FILE> arg0, Pointer<Char> arg1) int
fpurge(Pointer<FILE> arg0) int
fputc(int arg0, Pointer<FILE> arg1) int
fputs(Pointer<Char> arg0, Pointer<FILE> arg1) int
fread(Pointer<Void> __ptr, int __size, int __nitems, Pointer<FILE> __stream) int
free(Pointer<Void> arg0) → void
freopen(Pointer<Char> arg0, Pointer<Char> arg1, Pointer<FILE> arg2) Pointer<FILE>
fscanf(Pointer<FILE> arg0, Pointer<Char> arg1) int
fseek(Pointer<FILE> arg0, int arg1, int arg2) int
fseeko(Pointer<FILE> __stream, int __offset, int __whence) int
fsetpos(Pointer<FILE> arg0, Pointer<fpos_t> arg1) int
ftell(Pointer<FILE> arg0) int
ftello(Pointer<FILE> __stream) int
ftrylockfile(Pointer<FILE> arg0) int
funlockfile(Pointer<FILE> arg0) → void
funopen(Pointer<Void> arg0, Pointer<NativeFunction<Int Function(Pointer<Void>, Pointer<Char>, Int)>> arg1, Pointer<NativeFunction<Int Function(Pointer<Void>, Pointer<Char>, Int)>> arg2, Pointer<NativeFunction<fpos_t Function(Pointer<Void>, fpos_t, Int)>> arg3, Pointer<NativeFunction<Int Function(Pointer<Void>)>> arg4) Pointer<FILE>
Stdio function-access interface.
fwrite(Pointer<Void> __ptr, int __size, int __nitems, Pointer<FILE> __stream) int
gcvt(double arg0, int arg1, Pointer<Char> arg2) Pointer<Char>
GetAdvancedHistoryMessageList(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> getMessageOptions) → void
GetAdvancedHistoryMessageListReverse(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> getMessageOptions) → void
GetAllConversationList(Pointer<Char> operationID) → void
GetAtAllTag(Pointer<Char> operationID) Pointer<Char>
GetBlackList(Pointer<Char> operationID) → void
getbsize(Pointer<Int> arg0, Pointer<Long> arg1) Pointer<Char>
getc(Pointer<FILE> arg0) int
getc_unlocked(Pointer<FILE> arg0) int
getchar() int
getchar_unlocked() int
GetConversationIDBySessionType(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> sourceID, int sessionType) GoString
GetConversationListSplit(Pointer<Char> operationID, int offset, int count) → void
GetConversationRecvMessageOpt(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> conversationIDList) → void
getdate(Pointer<Char> arg0) Pointer<tm>
getdelim(Pointer<Pointer<Char>> __linep, Pointer<Size> __linecapp, int __delimiter, Pointer<FILE> __stream) int
getenv(Pointer<Char> arg0) Pointer<Char>
free is now declared in _malloc.h
GetFriendApplicationListAsApplicant(Pointer<Char> operationID) → void
GetFriendApplicationListAsRecipient(Pointer<Char> operationID) → void
GetFriendList(Pointer<Char> operationID) → void
GetFriendListPage(Pointer<Char> operationID, int offset, int count) → void
GetGroupApplicationListAsApplicant(Pointer<Char> operationID) → void
GetGroupApplicationListAsRecipient(Pointer<Char> operationID) → void
GetGroupMemberList(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> groupID, int filter, int offset, int count) → void
GetGroupMemberListByJoinTimeFilter(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> groupID, int offset, int count, int joinTimeBegin, int joinTimeEnd, Pointer<Char> filterUserIDList) → void
GetGroupMemberOwnerAndAdmin(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> groupID) → void
getIMListener() Openim_Listener
getiopolicy_np(int arg0, int arg1) int
GetJoinedGroupList(Pointer<Char> operationID) → void
getline(Pointer<Pointer<Char>> __linep, Pointer<Size> __linecapp, Pointer<FILE> __stream) int
getloadavg(Pointer<Double> arg0, int arg1) int
GetLoginStatus(Pointer<Char> operationID) int
GetLoginUserID() Pointer<Char>
GetMultipleConversation(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> conversationIDList) → void
GetOneConversation(Pointer<Char> operationID, int sessionType, Pointer<Char> sourceID) → void
getpriority(int arg0, int arg1) int
getprogname() Pointer<Char>
getrlimit(int arg0, Pointer<rlimit> arg1) int
getrusage(int arg0, Pointer<rusage> arg1) int
gets(Pointer<Char> arg0) Pointer<Char>
GetSdkVersion() Pointer<Char>
GetSelfUserInfo(Pointer<Char> operationID) → void
GetSpecifiedFriendsInfo(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> userIDList) → void
GetSpecifiedGroupMembersInfo(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> groupID, Pointer<Char> userIDList) → void
GetSpecifiedGroupsInfo(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> groupIDList) → void
getsubopt(Pointer<Pointer<Char>> arg0, Pointer<Pointer<Char>> arg1, Pointer<Pointer<Char>> arg2) int
GetTotalUnreadMsgCount(Pointer<Char> operationID) → void
GetUsersInfo(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> userIDList) → void
GetUsersInfoFromSrv(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> userIDList) → void
getw(Pointer<FILE> arg0) int
gmtime(Pointer<time_t> arg0) Pointer<tm>
gmtime_r(Pointer<time_t> arg0, Pointer<tm> arg1) Pointer<tm>
grantpt(int arg0) int
heapsort(Pointer<Void> __base, int __nel, int __width, Pointer<NativeFunction<Int Function(Pointer<Void>, Pointer<Void>)>> __compar) int
HideConversation(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> conversationID) → void
imaxabs(int j) int
imaxdiv(int __numer, int __denom) imaxdiv_t
InitSDK(Openim_Listener imListener, int port, Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> config) bool
initstate(int arg0, Pointer<Char> arg1, int arg2) Pointer<Char>
InsertGroupMessageToLocalStorage(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> message, Pointer<Char> groupID, Pointer<Char> sendID) → void
InsertSingleMessageToLocalStorage(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> message, Pointer<Char> recvID, Pointer<Char> sendID) → void
InviteUserToGroup(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> groupID, Pointer<Char> reason, Pointer<Char> userIDList) → void
IsJoinGroup(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> groupID) → void
JoinGroup(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> groupID, Pointer<Char> reqMsg, int joinSource, Pointer<Char> ex) → void
jrand48(Pointer<UnsignedShort> arg0) int
KickGroupMember(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> groupID, Pointer<Char> reason, Pointer<Char> userIDList) → void
l64a(int arg0) Pointer<Char>
labs(int arg0) int
lcong48(Pointer<UnsignedShort> arg0) → void
ldiv(int arg0, int arg1) ldiv_t
llabs(int arg0) int
lldiv(int arg0, int arg1) lldiv_t
localtime(Pointer<time_t> arg0) Pointer<tm>
localtime_r(Pointer<time_t> arg0, Pointer<tm> arg1) Pointer<tm>
Login(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> userID, Pointer<Char> token) → void
Logout(Pointer<Char> operationID) → void
lrand48() int
malloc(int __size) Pointer<Void>
malloc_type_aligned_alloc(int alignment, int size, int type_id) Pointer<Void>
malloc_type_calloc(int count, int size, int type_id) Pointer<Void>
malloc_type_free(Pointer<Void> ptr, int type_id) → void
malloc_type_malloc(int size, int type_id) Pointer<Void>
malloc_type_posix_memalign(Pointer<Pointer<Void>> memptr, int alignment, int size, int type_id) int
rdar://75598414 (Support __counted_by_or_null)
malloc_type_realloc(Pointer<Void> ptr, int size, int type_id) Pointer<Void>
malloc_type_valloc(int size, int type_id) Pointer<Void>
malloc_type_zone_calloc(Pointer<malloc_zone_t> zone, int count, int size, int type_id) Pointer<Void>
malloc_type_zone_free(Pointer<malloc_zone_t> zone, Pointer<Void> ptr, int type_id) → void
malloc_type_zone_malloc(Pointer<malloc_zone_t> zone, int size, int type_id) Pointer<Void>
malloc_type_zone_memalign(Pointer<malloc_zone_t> zone, int alignment, int size, int type_id) Pointer<Void>
malloc_type_zone_realloc(Pointer<malloc_zone_t> zone, Pointer<Void> ptr, int size, int type_id) Pointer<Void>
malloc_type_zone_valloc(Pointer<malloc_zone_t> zone, int size, int type_id) Pointer<Void>
MarkConversationMessageAsRead(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> conversationID) → void
MarkMessagesAsReadByMsgID(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> conversationID, Pointer<Char> clientMsgIDs) → void
mblen(Pointer<Char> __s, int __n) int
malloc is now declared in _malloc.h
mbstowcs(Pointer<WChar> arg0, Pointer<Char> arg1, int arg2) int
mbtowc(Pointer<WChar> arg0, Pointer<Char> arg1, int arg2) int
mergesort(Pointer<Void> __base, int __nel, int __width, Pointer<NativeFunction<Int Function(Pointer<Void>, Pointer<Void>)>> __compar) int
mkstemp(Pointer<Char> arg0) int
mktemp(Pointer<Char> arg0) Pointer<Char>
mktime(Pointer<tm> arg0) int
mrand48() int
nanosleep(Pointer<timespec> __rqtp, Pointer<timespec> __rmtp) int
NetworkStatusChanged(Pointer<Char> operationID) → void
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
nrand48(Pointer<UnsignedShort> arg0) int
open_memstream(Pointer<Pointer<Char>> __bufp, Pointer<Size> __sizep) Pointer<FILE>
pclose(Pointer<FILE> arg0) int
perror(Pointer<Char> arg0) → void
PinConversation(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> conversationID, bool isPinned) → void
popen(Pointer<Char> arg0, Pointer<Char> arg1) Pointer<FILE>
posix2time(int arg0) int
posix_memalign(Pointer<Pointer<Void>> __memptr, int __alignment, int __size) int
rdar://75598414 (Support __counted_by_or_null)
posix_openpt(int arg0) int
printf(Pointer<Char> arg0) int
psort(Pointer<Void> __base, int __nel, int __width, Pointer<NativeFunction<Int Function(Pointer<Void>, Pointer<Void>)>> __compar) → void
psort_r(Pointer<Void> __base, int __nel, int __width, Pointer<Void> arg3, Pointer<NativeFunction<Int Function(Pointer<Void>, Pointer<Void>, Pointer<Void>)>> __compar) → void
pthread_atfork(Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function()>> arg0, Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function()>> arg1, Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function()>> arg2) int
Prototypes for all PTHREAD interfaces
pthread_attr_destroy(Pointer<pthread_attr_t> arg0) int
pthread_attr_get_qos_class_np(Pointer<pthread_attr_t> __attr, Pointer<qos_class_t> __qos_class, Pointer<Int> __relative_priority) int
! @function pthread_attr_get_qos_class_np
pthread_attr_getdetachstate(Pointer<pthread_attr_t> arg0, Pointer<Int> arg1) int
pthread_attr_getguardsize(Pointer<pthread_attr_t> arg0, Pointer<Size> arg1) int
pthread_attr_getinheritsched(Pointer<pthread_attr_t> arg0, Pointer<Int> arg1) int
pthread_attr_getschedparam(Pointer<pthread_attr_t> arg0, Pointer<sched_param> arg1) int
pthread_attr_getschedpolicy(Pointer<pthread_attr_t> arg0, Pointer<Int> arg1) int
pthread_attr_getscope(Pointer<pthread_attr_t> arg0, Pointer<Int> arg1) int
pthread_attr_getstack(Pointer<pthread_attr_t> arg0, Pointer<Pointer<Void>> arg1, Pointer<Size> arg2) int
pthread_attr_getstackaddr(Pointer<pthread_attr_t> arg0, Pointer<Pointer<Void>> arg1) int
pthread_attr_getstacksize(Pointer<pthread_attr_t> arg0, Pointer<Size> arg1) int
pthread_attr_init(Pointer<pthread_attr_t> arg0) int
pthread_attr_set_qos_class_np(Pointer<pthread_attr_t> __attr, int __qos_class, int __relative_priority) int
! @function pthread_attr_set_qos_class_np
pthread_attr_setdetachstate(Pointer<pthread_attr_t> arg0, int arg1) int
pthread_attr_setguardsize(Pointer<pthread_attr_t> arg0, int arg1) int
pthread_attr_setinheritsched(Pointer<pthread_attr_t> arg0, int arg1) int
pthread_attr_setschedparam(Pointer<pthread_attr_t> arg0, Pointer<sched_param> arg1) int
pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(Pointer<pthread_attr_t> arg0, int arg1) int
pthread_attr_setscope(Pointer<pthread_attr_t> arg0, int arg1) int
pthread_attr_setstack(Pointer<pthread_attr_t> arg0, Pointer<Void> arg1, int arg2) int
pthread_attr_setstackaddr(Pointer<pthread_attr_t> arg0, Pointer<Void> arg1) int
pthread_attr_setstacksize(Pointer<pthread_attr_t> arg0, int arg1) int
pthread_cancel(pthread_t arg0) int
pthread_cond_broadcast(Pointer<pthread_cond_t> arg0) int
pthread_cond_destroy(Pointer<pthread_cond_t> arg0) int
pthread_cond_init(Pointer<pthread_cond_t> arg0, Pointer<pthread_condattr_t> arg1) int
pthread_cond_signal(Pointer<pthread_cond_t> arg0) int
pthread_cond_signal_thread_np(Pointer<pthread_cond_t> arg0, pthread_t arg1) int
Like pthread_cond_signal(), but only wake up the specified pthread
pthread_cond_timedwait(Pointer<pthread_cond_t> arg0, Pointer<pthread_mutex_t> arg1, Pointer<timespec> arg2) int
pthread_cond_timedwait_relative_np(Pointer<pthread_cond_t> arg0, Pointer<pthread_mutex_t> arg1, Pointer<timespec> arg2) int
Like pthread_cond_timedwait, but use a relative timeout
pthread_cond_wait(Pointer<pthread_cond_t> arg0, Pointer<pthread_mutex_t> arg1) int
pthread_condattr_destroy(Pointer<pthread_condattr_t> arg0) int
pthread_condattr_getpshared(Pointer<pthread_condattr_t> arg0, Pointer<Int> arg1) int
pthread_condattr_init(Pointer<pthread_condattr_t> arg0) int
pthread_condattr_setpshared(Pointer<pthread_condattr_t> arg0, int arg1) int
pthread_cpu_number_np(Pointer<Size> cpu_number_out) int
! @function pthread_cpu_number_np
pthread_create(Pointer<pthread_t> arg0, Pointer<pthread_attr_t> arg1, Pointer<NativeFunction<Pointer<Void> Function(Pointer<Void>)>> arg2, Pointer<Void> arg3) int
pthread_create_suspended_np(Pointer<pthread_t> arg0, Pointer<pthread_attr_t> arg1, Pointer<NativeFunction<Pointer<Void> Function(Pointer<Void>)>> arg2, Pointer<Void> arg3) int
pthread_detach(pthread_t arg0) int
pthread_equal(pthread_t arg0, pthread_t arg1) int
pthread_exit(Pointer<Void> arg0) → void
pthread_from_mach_thread_np(int arg0) pthread_t
pthread_get_qos_class_np(pthread_t __pthread, Pointer<qos_class_t> __qos_class, Pointer<Int> __relative_priority) int
! @function pthread_get_qos_class_np
pthread_get_stackaddr_np(pthread_t arg0) Pointer<Void>
pthread_get_stacksize_np(pthread_t arg0) int
pthread_getconcurrency() int
pthread_getname_np(pthread_t arg0, Pointer<Char> arg1, int arg2) int
SPI to set and get pthread name
pthread_getschedparam(pthread_t arg0, Pointer<Int> arg1, Pointer<sched_param> arg2) int
pthread_getspecific(int arg0) Pointer<Void>
pthread_is_threaded_np() int
returns non-zero if pthread_create or cthread_fork have been called
pthread_jit_write_freeze_callbacks_np() → void
! @function pthread_jit_write_freeze_callbacks_np
pthread_jit_write_protect_np(int enabled) → void
pthread_jit_write_protect_supported_np() int
pthread_jit_write_with_callback_np(pthread_jit_write_callback_t callback, Pointer<Void> ctx) int
! @function pthread_jit_write_with_callback_np
pthread_join(pthread_t arg0, Pointer<Pointer<Void>> arg1) int
pthread_key_create(Pointer<pthread_key_t> arg0, Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function(Pointer<Void>)>> arg1) int
pthread_key_delete(int arg0) int
pthread_kill(pthread_t arg0, int arg1) int
pthread_mach_thread_np(pthread_t arg0) int
return the mach thread bound to the pthread
pthread_main_np() int
returns non-zero if the current thread is the main thread
pthread_mutex_destroy(Pointer<pthread_mutex_t> arg0) int
pthread_mutex_getprioceiling(Pointer<pthread_mutex_t> arg0, Pointer<Int> arg1) int
pthread_mutex_init(Pointer<pthread_mutex_t> arg0, Pointer<pthread_mutexattr_t> arg1) int
pthread_mutex_lock(Pointer<pthread_mutex_t> arg0) int
pthread_mutex_setprioceiling(Pointer<pthread_mutex_t> arg0, int arg1, Pointer<Int> arg2) int
pthread_mutex_trylock(Pointer<pthread_mutex_t> arg0) int
pthread_mutex_unlock(Pointer<pthread_mutex_t> arg0) int
pthread_mutexattr_destroy(Pointer<pthread_mutexattr_t> arg0) int
pthread_mutexattr_getpolicy_np(Pointer<pthread_mutexattr_t> arg0, Pointer<Int> arg1) int
pthread_mutexattr_getprioceiling(Pointer<pthread_mutexattr_t> arg0, Pointer<Int> arg1) int
pthread_mutexattr_getprotocol(Pointer<pthread_mutexattr_t> arg0, Pointer<Int> arg1) int
pthread_mutexattr_getpshared(Pointer<pthread_mutexattr_t> arg0, Pointer<Int> arg1) int
pthread_mutexattr_gettype(Pointer<pthread_mutexattr_t> arg0, Pointer<Int> arg1) int
pthread_mutexattr_init(Pointer<pthread_mutexattr_t> arg0) int
pthread_mutexattr_setpolicy_np(Pointer<pthread_mutexattr_t> arg0, int arg1) int
pthread_mutexattr_setprioceiling(Pointer<pthread_mutexattr_t> arg0, int arg1) int
pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol(Pointer<pthread_mutexattr_t> arg0, int arg1) int
pthread_mutexattr_setpshared(Pointer<pthread_mutexattr_t> arg0, int arg1) int
pthread_mutexattr_settype(Pointer<pthread_mutexattr_t> arg0, int arg1) int
pthread_once(Pointer<pthread_once_t> arg0, Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function()>> arg1) int
pthread_override_qos_class_end_np(pthread_override_t __override) int
! @function pthread_override_qos_class_end_np
pthread_override_qos_class_start_np(pthread_t __pthread, int __qos_class, int __relative_priority) pthread_override_t
! @function pthread_override_qos_class_start_np
pthread_rwlock_destroy(Pointer<pthread_rwlock_t> arg0) int
pthread_rwlock_init(Pointer<pthread_rwlock_t> arg0, Pointer<pthread_rwlockattr_t> arg1) int
pthread_rwlock_rdlock(Pointer<pthread_rwlock_t> arg0) int
pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock(Pointer<pthread_rwlock_t> arg0) int
pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(Pointer<pthread_rwlock_t> arg0) int
pthread_rwlock_unlock(Pointer<pthread_rwlock_t> arg0) int
pthread_rwlock_wrlock(Pointer<pthread_rwlock_t> arg0) int
pthread_rwlockattr_destroy(Pointer<pthread_rwlockattr_t> arg0) int
pthread_rwlockattr_getpshared(Pointer<pthread_rwlockattr_t> arg0, Pointer<Int> arg1) int
pthread_rwlockattr_init(Pointer<pthread_rwlockattr_t> arg0) int
pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared(Pointer<pthread_rwlockattr_t> arg0, int arg1) int
pthread_self() pthread_t
pthread_set_qos_class_self_np(int __qos_class, int __relative_priority) int
! @function pthread_set_qos_class_self_np
pthread_setcancelstate(int arg0, Pointer<Int> arg1) int
pthread_setcanceltype(int arg0, Pointer<Int> arg1) int
pthread_setconcurrency(int arg0) int
pthread_setname_np(Pointer<Char> arg0) int
pthread_setschedparam(pthread_t arg0, int arg1, Pointer<sched_param> arg2) int
pthread_setspecific(int arg0, Pointer<Void> arg1) int
pthread_sigmask(int arg0, Pointer<sigset_t> arg1, Pointer<sigset_t> arg2) int
pthread_testcancel() → void
pthread_threadid_np(pthread_t arg0, Pointer<__uint64_t> arg1) int
pthread_yield_np() → void
ptsname(int arg0) Pointer<Char>
ptsname_r(int fildes, Pointer<Char> buffer, int buflen) int
putc(int arg0, Pointer<FILE> arg1) int
putc_unlocked(int arg0, Pointer<FILE> arg1) int
putchar(int arg0) int
putchar_unlocked(int arg0) int
putenv(Pointer<Char> arg0) int
puts(Pointer<Char> arg0) int
putw(int arg0, Pointer<FILE> arg1) int
qos_class_main() int
! @function qos_class_main
qos_class_self() int
! @function qos_class_self
qsort(Pointer<Void> __base, int __nel, int __width, Pointer<NativeFunction<Int Function(Pointer<Void>, Pointer<Void>)>> __compar) → void
posix_memalign is now declared in _malloc.h
qsort_r(Pointer<Void> __base, int __nel, int __width, Pointer<Void> arg3, Pointer<NativeFunction<Int Function(Pointer<Void>, Pointer<Void>, Pointer<Void>)>> __compar) → void
QuitGroup(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> groupID) → void
radixsort(Pointer<Pointer<UnsignedChar>> __base, int __nel, Pointer<UnsignedChar> __table, int __endbyte) int
rand() int
rand_r(Pointer<UnsignedInt> arg0) int
random() int
realloc(Pointer<Void> __ptr, int __size) Pointer<Void>
reallocf(Pointer<Void> __ptr, int __size) Pointer<Void>
realpath(Pointer<Char> arg0, Pointer<Char> arg1) Pointer<Char>
RefuseFriendApplication(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> userIDHandleMsg) → void
RefuseGroupApplication(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> groupID, Pointer<Char> fromUserID, Pointer<Char> handleMsg) → void
remove(Pointer<Char> arg0) int
RemoveBlack(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> removeUserID) → void
rename(Pointer<Char> __old, Pointer<Char> __new) int
renameat(int arg0, Pointer<Char> arg1, int arg2, Pointer<Char> arg3) int
renameatx_np(int arg0, Pointer<Char> arg1, int arg2, Pointer<Char> arg3, int arg4) int
renamex_np(Pointer<Char> arg0, Pointer<Char> arg1, int arg2) int
ResetConversationGroupAtType(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> conversationID) → void
RevokeMessage(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> conversationID, Pointer<Char> clientMsgID) → void
rewind(Pointer<FILE> arg0) → void
rpmatch(Pointer<Char> arg0) int
scanf(Pointer<Char> arg0) int
sched_get_priority_max(int arg0) int
sched_get_priority_min(int arg0) int
sched_yield() int
SearchFriends(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> searchParam) → void
SearchGroupMembers(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> searchParam) → void
SearchGroups(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> searchParam) → void
SearchLocalMessages(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> searchParam) → void
seed48(Pointer<UnsignedShort> arg0) Pointer<UnsignedShort>
SendMessage(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> message, Pointer<Char> recvID, Pointer<Char> groupID, Pointer<Char> offlinePushInfo) → void
SendMessageNotOss(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> message, Pointer<Char> recvID, Pointer<Char> groupID, Pointer<Char> offlinePushInfo) → void
SetAppBackgroundStatus(Pointer<Char> operationID, bool isBackground) → void
SetAppBadge(Pointer<Char> operationID, int appUnreadCount) → void
setbuf(Pointer<FILE> arg0, Pointer<Char> arg1) → void
setbuffer(Pointer<FILE> arg0, Pointer<Char> arg1, int arg2) → void
SetConversationBurnDuration(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> conversationID, int duration) → void
SetConversationDraft(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> conversationID, Pointer<Char> draftText) → void
SetConversationIsMsgDestruct(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> conversationID, bool isMsgDestruct) → void
SetConversationMsgDestructTime(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> conversationID, int msgDestructTime) → void
SetConversationPrivateChat(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> conversationID, bool isPrivate) → void
SetConversationRecvMessageOpt(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> conversationID, int opt) → void
setenv(Pointer<Char> __name, Pointer<Char> __value, int __overwrite) int
SetFriendRemark(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> userIDRemark) → void
SetGlobalRecvMessageOpt(Pointer<Char> operationID, int opt) → void
SetGroupApplyMemberFriend(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> groupID, int rule) → void
SetGroupInfo(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> groupInfo) → void
SetGroupLookMemberInfo(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> groupID, int rule) → void
SetGroupMemberInfo(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> groupMemberInfo) → void
SetGroupMemberNickname(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> groupID, Pointer<Char> userID, Pointer<Char> groupMemberNickname) → void
SetGroupMemberRoleLevel(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> groupID, Pointer<Char> userID, int roleLevel) → void
SetGroupVerification(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> groupID, int verification) → void
setiopolicy_np(int arg0, int arg1, int arg2) int
setkey(Pointer<Char> arg0) → void
setlinebuf(Pointer<FILE> arg0) int
SetMessageLocalEx(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> conversationID, Pointer<Char> clientMsgID, Pointer<Char> localEx) → void
setpriority(int arg0, int arg1, int arg2) int
setprogname(Pointer<Char> arg0) → void
setrlimit(int arg0, Pointer<rlimit> arg1) int
SetSelfInfo(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> userInfo) → void
setstate(Pointer<Char> arg0) Pointer<Char>
setvbuf(Pointer<FILE> arg0, Pointer<Char> arg1, int arg2, int arg3) int
signal(int arg0, Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function(Int)>> arg1) Pointer<NativeFunction<Void Function(Int)>>
For historical reasons; programs expect signal's return value to be defined by <sys/signal.h>.
snprintf(Pointer<Char> __str, int __size, Pointer<Char> __format) int
sprintf(Pointer<Char> arg0, Pointer<Char> arg1) int
sradixsort(Pointer<Pointer<UnsignedChar>> __base, int __nel, Pointer<UnsignedChar> __table, int __endbyte) int
srand(int arg0) → void
realloc is now declared in _malloc.h
srand48(int arg0) → void
sranddev() → void
srandom(int arg0) → void
srandomdev() → void
sscanf(Pointer<Char> arg0, Pointer<Char> arg1) int
strftime(Pointer<Char> arg0, int arg1, Pointer<Char> arg2, Pointer<tm> arg3) int
strptime(Pointer<Char> arg0, Pointer<Char> arg1, Pointer<tm> arg2) Pointer<Char>
strtod(Pointer<Char> arg0, Pointer<Pointer<Char>> arg1) double
strtof(Pointer<Char> arg0, Pointer<Pointer<Char>> arg1) double
strtoimax(Pointer<Char> __nptr, Pointer<Pointer<Char>> __endptr, int __base) int
strtol(Pointer<Char> __str, Pointer<Pointer<Char>> __endptr, int __base) int
strtoll(Pointer<Char> __str, Pointer<Pointer<Char>> __endptr, int __base) int
strtonum(Pointer<Char> __numstr, int __minval, int __maxval, Pointer<Pointer<Char>> __errstrp) int
reallocf is now declared in _malloc.h
strtoq(Pointer<Char> __str, Pointer<Pointer<Char>> __endptr, int __base) int
strtoul(Pointer<Char> __str, Pointer<Pointer<Char>> __endptr, int __base) int
strtoull(Pointer<Char> __str, Pointer<Pointer<Char>> __endptr, int __base) int
strtoumax(Pointer<Char> __nptr, Pointer<Pointer<Char>> __endptr, int __base) int
strtouq(Pointer<Char> __str, Pointer<Pointer<Char>> __endptr, int __base) int
system(Pointer<Char> arg0) int
tempnam(Pointer<Char> __dir, Pointer<Char> __prefix) Pointer<Char>
time(Pointer<time_t> arg0) int
time2posix(int arg0) int
timegm(Pointer<tm> arg0) int
timelocal(Pointer<tm> arg0) int
timespec_get(Pointer<timespec> ts, int base) int
tmpfile() Pointer<FILE>
tmpnam(Pointer<Char> arg0) Pointer<Char>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
TransferGroupOwner(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> groupID, Pointer<Char> newOwnerUserID) → void
TypingStatusUpdate(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> recvID, Pointer<Char> msgTip) → void
tzset() → void
tzsetwall() → void
ungetc(int arg0, Pointer<FILE> arg1) int
unlockpt(int arg0) int
unsetenv(Pointer<Char> arg0) int
UpdateFcmToken(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> fcmToken, int expireTime) → void
UpdateMsgSenderInfo(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> nickname, Pointer<Char> faceURL) → void
UploadFile(Pointer<Char> operationID, Pointer<Char> req, Pointer<Char> uuid) → void
valloc(int arg0) Pointer<Void>
vasprintf(Pointer<Pointer<Char>> arg0, Pointer<Char> arg1, va_list arg2) int
vdprintf(int arg0, Pointer<Char> arg1, va_list arg2) int
vfprintf(Pointer<FILE> arg0, Pointer<Char> arg1, va_list arg2) int
vfscanf(Pointer<FILE> __stream, Pointer<Char> __format, va_list arg2) int
vprintf(Pointer<Char> arg0, va_list arg1) int
vscanf(Pointer<Char> __format, va_list arg1) int
vsnprintf(Pointer<Char> __str, int __size, Pointer<Char> __format, va_list arg3) int
vsprintf(Pointer<Char> arg0, Pointer<Char> arg1, va_list arg2) int
vsscanf(Pointer<Char> __str, Pointer<Char> __format, va_list arg2) int
wait1(Pointer<Int> arg0) int
wait3(Pointer<Int> arg0, int arg1, Pointer<rusage> arg2) int
wait4(int arg0, Pointer<Int> arg1, int arg2, Pointer<rusage> arg3) int
waitid(int arg0, int arg1, Pointer<siginfo_t> arg2, int arg3) int
waitpid(int arg0, Pointer<Int> arg1, int arg2) int
wcstoimax(Pointer<WChar> __nptr, Pointer<Pointer<WChar>> __endptr, int __base) int
wcstombs(Pointer<Char> arg0, Pointer<WChar> arg1, int arg2) int
wcstoumax(Pointer<WChar> __nptr, Pointer<Pointer<WChar>> __endptr, int __base) int
wctomb(Pointer<Char> arg0, int arg1) int


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.