TopicsExtensions extension



isArchivesTopic bool

Available on String, provided by the TopicsExtensions extension

no setter
isChattingTopic bool

Available on String, provided by the TopicsExtensions extension

no setter
isInvitationsArchivesTopic bool

Available on String, provided by the TopicsExtensions extension

no setter
isMembershipArchivesTopic bool

Available on String, provided by the TopicsExtensions extension

no setter
isMessagesArchiveTopic bool

Available on String, provided by the TopicsExtensions extension

no setter
isMyProfileArchiveTopic bool

Available on String, provided by the TopicsExtensions extension

no setter
isPersonalEventTopic bool

Available on String, provided by the TopicsExtensions extension

no setter
isPresenceTopic bool

Available on String, provided by the TopicsExtensions extension

no setter
isRoomEventsTopic bool

Available on String, provided by the TopicsExtensions extension

no setter
toChattingTopic String

Available on String, provided by the TopicsExtensions extension

no setter
toFileSendingTopic String

Available on String, provided by the TopicsExtensions extension

no setter
toGroupCrudTopic String

Available on String, provided by the TopicsExtensions extension

no setter
toInvitationEventTopic String

Available on String, provided by the TopicsExtensions extension

no setter
toInvitationsArchivesTopic String

Available on String, provided by the TopicsExtensions extension

no setter
toMembershipArchivesTopic String

Available on String, provided by the TopicsExtensions extension

no setter
toMessagesArchiveTopic String

Available on String, provided by the TopicsExtensions extension

no setter
toMyProfileArchiveTopic String

Available on String, provided by the TopicsExtensions extension

no setter
toPersonalEventTopic String

Available on String, provided by the TopicsExtensions extension

no setter
toPresenceTopic String

Available on String, provided by the TopicsExtensions extension

no setter
toRoomEventsTopic String

Available on String, provided by the TopicsExtensions extension

no setter