addMention method

void addMention(
  1. Map<String, dynamic> value, [
  2. Mention? list


void addMention(Map<String, dynamic> value, [Mention? list]) {
  final selectedMention = _selectedMention!;

  setState(() {
    _selectedMention = null;

  final _list = widget.mentions
      .firstWhere((element) => selectedMention.str.contains(element.trigger));

  // find the text by range and replace with the new value.
  controller!.text = controller!.value.text.replaceRange(
    "${_list.trigger}${value['display']}${widget.appendSpaceOnAdd ? ' ' : ''}",

  if (widget.onMentionAdd != null) widget.onMentionAdd!(value);

  // Move the cursor to next position after the new mentioned item.
  var nextCursorPosition =
      selectedMention.start + 1 + value['display']?.length as int? ?? 0;
  if (widget.appendSpaceOnAdd) nextCursorPosition++;
  controller!.selection =
      TextSelection.fromPosition(TextPosition(offset: nextCursorPosition));