KeyCode enum

Available extensions


hyper → const KeyCode
superKey → const KeyCode
fnLock → const KeyCode
suspend → const KeyCode
resume → const KeyCode
sleep → const KeyCode
wakeUp → const KeyCode
keyA → const KeyCode
keyB → const KeyCode
keyC → const KeyCode
keyD → const KeyCode
keyE → const KeyCode
keyF → const KeyCode
keyG → const KeyCode
keyH → const KeyCode
keyI → const KeyCode
keyJ → const KeyCode
keyK → const KeyCode
keyL → const KeyCode
keyM → const KeyCode
keyN → const KeyCode
keyO → const KeyCode
keyP → const KeyCode
keyQ → const KeyCode
keyR → const KeyCode
keyS → const KeyCode
keyT → const KeyCode
keyU → const KeyCode
keyV → const KeyCode
keyW → const KeyCode
keyX → const KeyCode
keyY → const KeyCode
keyZ → const KeyCode
digit1 → const KeyCode
digit2 → const KeyCode
digit3 → const KeyCode
digit4 → const KeyCode
digit5 → const KeyCode
digit6 → const KeyCode
digit7 → const KeyCode
digit8 → const KeyCode
digit9 → const KeyCode
digit0 → const KeyCode
enter → const KeyCode
escape → const KeyCode
backspace → const KeyCode
tab → const KeyCode
space → const KeyCode
add → const KeyCode
minus → const KeyCode
numberSign → const KeyCode
multiply → const KeyCode
equal → const KeyCode
bracketLeft → const KeyCode
bracketRight → const KeyCode
backslash → const KeyCode
semicolon → const KeyCode
quote → const KeyCode
backquote → const KeyCode
comma → const KeyCode
period → const KeyCode
slash → const KeyCode
capsLock → const KeyCode
f1 → const KeyCode
f2 → const KeyCode
f3 → const KeyCode
f4 → const KeyCode
f5 → const KeyCode
f6 → const KeyCode
f7 → const KeyCode
f8 → const KeyCode
f9 → const KeyCode
f10 → const KeyCode
f11 → const KeyCode
f12 → const KeyCode
printScreen → const KeyCode
scrollLock → const KeyCode
pause → const KeyCode
insert → const KeyCode
home → const KeyCode
pageUp → const KeyCode
delete → const KeyCode
end → const KeyCode
pageDown → const KeyCode
arrowRight → const KeyCode
arrowLeft → const KeyCode
arrowDown → const KeyCode
arrowUp → const KeyCode
numLock → const KeyCode
numpadDivide → const KeyCode
numpadMultiply → const KeyCode
numpadSubtract → const KeyCode
numpadAdd → const KeyCode
numpadEnter → const KeyCode
numpad1 → const KeyCode
numpad2 → const KeyCode
numpad3 → const KeyCode
numpad4 → const KeyCode
numpad5 → const KeyCode
numpad6 → const KeyCode
numpad7 → const KeyCode
numpad8 → const KeyCode
numpad9 → const KeyCode
numpad0 → const KeyCode
numpadDecimal → const KeyCode
intlBackslash → const KeyCode
contextMenu → const KeyCode
power → const KeyCode
numpadEqual → const KeyCode
f13 → const KeyCode
f14 → const KeyCode
f15 → const KeyCode
f16 → const KeyCode
f17 → const KeyCode
f18 → const KeyCode
f19 → const KeyCode
f20 → const KeyCode
f21 → const KeyCode
f22 → const KeyCode
f23 → const KeyCode
f24 → const KeyCode
open → const KeyCode
help → const KeyCode
select → const KeyCode
again → const KeyCode
undo → const KeyCode
cut → const KeyCode
copy → const KeyCode
paste → const KeyCode
find → const KeyCode
audioVolumeMute → const KeyCode
audioVolumeUp → const KeyCode
audioVolumeDown → const KeyCode
numpadComma → const KeyCode
intlRo → const KeyCode
kanaMode → const KeyCode
intlYen → const KeyCode
convert → const KeyCode
nonConvert → const KeyCode
lang1 → const KeyCode
lang2 → const KeyCode
lang3 → const KeyCode
lang4 → const KeyCode
lang5 → const KeyCode
abort → const KeyCode
props → const KeyCode
numpadParenLeft → const KeyCode
numpadParenRight → const KeyCode
controlLeft → const KeyCode
shiftLeft → const KeyCode
altLeft → const KeyCode
metaLeft → const KeyCode
controlRight → const KeyCode
shiftRight → const KeyCode
altRight → const KeyCode
metaRight → const KeyCode
info → const KeyCode
closedCaptionToggle → const KeyCode
brightnessUp → const KeyCode
brightnessDown → const KeyCode
mediaLast → const KeyCode
launchPhone → const KeyCode
exit → const KeyCode
channelUp → const KeyCode
channelDown → const KeyCode
mediaPlay → const KeyCode
mediaPause → const KeyCode
mediaRecord → const KeyCode
mediaFastForward → const KeyCode
mediaRewind → const KeyCode
mediaTrackNext → const KeyCode
mediaTrackPrevious → const KeyCode
mediaStop → const KeyCode
eject → const KeyCode
mediaPlayPause → const KeyCode
speechInputToggle → const KeyCode
launchWordProcessor → const KeyCode
launchSpreadsheet → const KeyCode
launchMail → const KeyCode
launchContacts → const KeyCode
launchCalendar → const KeyCode
logOff → const KeyCode
launchControlPanel → const KeyCode
spellCheck → const KeyCode
launchScreenSaver → const KeyCode
launchAssistant → const KeyCode
newKey → const KeyCode
close → const KeyCode
save → const KeyCode
print → const KeyCode
browserSearch → const KeyCode
browserHome → const KeyCode
browserBack → const KeyCode
browserForward → const KeyCode
browserStop → const KeyCode
browserRefresh → const KeyCode
browserFavorites → const KeyCode
zoomIn → const KeyCode
zoomOut → const KeyCode
zoomToggle → const KeyCode
redo → const KeyCode
mailReply → const KeyCode
mailForward → const KeyCode
mailSend → const KeyCode
gameButton1 → const KeyCode
gameButton2 → const KeyCode
gameButton3 → const KeyCode
gameButton4 → const KeyCode
gameButton5 → const KeyCode
gameButton6 → const KeyCode
gameButton7 → const KeyCode
gameButton8 → const KeyCode
gameButton9 → const KeyCode
gameButton10 → const KeyCode
gameButton11 → const KeyCode
gameButton12 → const KeyCode
gameButton13 → const KeyCode
gameButton14 → const KeyCode
gameButton15 → const KeyCode
gameButton16 → const KeyCode
gameButtonA → const KeyCode
gameButtonB → const KeyCode
gameButtonC → const KeyCode
gameButtonLeft1 → const KeyCode
gameButtonLeft2 → const KeyCode
gameButtonMode → const KeyCode
gameButtonRight1 → const KeyCode
gameButtonRight2 → const KeyCode
gameButtonSelect → const KeyCode
gameButtonStart → const KeyCode
gameButtonThumbLeft → const KeyCode
gameButtonThumbRight → const KeyCode
gameButtonX → const KeyCode
gameButtonY → const KeyCode
gameButtonZ → const KeyCode
fn → const KeyCode
shift → const KeyCode
meta → const KeyCode
alt → const KeyCode
control → const KeyCode


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
index int
A numeric identifier for the enumerated value.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


values → const List<KeyCode>
A constant List of the values in this enum, in order of their declaration.