select<Result> method

Target<Notifier, Result> select<Result>(
  1. _BuildBySelect<Notifier, Result> callback, {
  2. bool booleanCallback = false,

use this method to rebuild your Consumer when a value has changed or you can use a boolean condition. Check the documentation for more info.

booleanCallback If your callback returns a boolean and you want to rebuild your consumers or notify to your listeners only when the boolean value is true you can set booleanCallback as true


   final controller =
     (_) => _.user != null,
     booleanCallback: true,


Target<Notifier, Result> select<Result>(
  _BuildBySelect<Notifier, Result> callback, {
  bool booleanCallback = false,
}) {
  // get the  Notifier attached to this SimpleProvider
  final target = Target<Notifier, Result>(read);
  target.filter =;
  target.callback = callback;
  target.listenWhenTheCallbackReturnsTrue = booleanCallback;
  return target;