ContextExtensionss extension

BuildContext extension with some ui utils methods and getters



devicePixelRatio double
similar to MediaQuery.of(this).devicePixelRatio
no setter
height double
The same of MediaQuery.of(context).size.height Note: updates when you rezise your screen (like on a browser or desktop window)
no setter
isDarkMode bool
return true if the current app mode is dark
no setter
isLandscape bool
check if device is on landscape mode
no setter
isLargeTablet bool
True if the shortestSide is largest than 720p
no setter
isPhone bool
True if the shortestSide is smaller than 600p
no setter
isPortrait bool
check if device is on portrait mode
no setter
isSmallPhone bool
True if the shortestSide is smaller than 480p
no setter
isSmallTablet bool
True if the shortestSide is largest than 600p
no setter
isTablet bool
True if the current device is Tablet
no setter
mediaQuery MediaQueryData
similar to MediaQuery.of(context).padding
no setter
mediaQueryPadding EdgeInsets
similar to MediaQuery.of(context).padding
no setter
mediaQueryShortestSide double
get the shortestSide from screen
no setter
mediaQuerySize Size
The same of MediaQuery.of(context).size
no setter
mediaQueryViewInsets EdgeInsets
similar to MediaQuery.of(context).viewInsets
no setter
mediaQueryViewPadding EdgeInsets
similar to MediaQuery.of(context).viewPadding
no setter
orientation Orientation
similar to MediaQuery.of(context).orientation
no setter
textScaleFactor double
similar to MediaQuery.of(this).textScaleFactor
no setter
textTheme TextTheme
similar to MediaQuery.of(context).padding
no setter
theme ThemeData
similar to MediaQuery.of(context).padding
no setter
width double
The same of MediaQuery.of(context).size.width Note: updates when you rezise your screen (like on a browser or desktop window)
no setter