RxInt class



RxInt([int initial = 0])
Constructor: With initial value to 0
RxInt.withPub(int initial, Pub? pub)
Constructor: With dedicated Pub parameter


bitLength int
Returns the minimum number of bits required to store this integer.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isEven bool
Returns true if and only if this integer is even.
no setter
isFinite bool
True if the number is finite; otherwise, false.
no setterinherited
isInfinite bool
True if the number is positive infinity or negative infinity; otherwise, false.
no setterinherited
isNaN bool
True if the number is the double Not-a-Number value; otherwise, false.
no setterinherited
isNegative bool
True if the number is negative; otherwise, false.
no setterinherited
isOdd bool
Returns true if and only if this integer is odd.
no setter
ob int
Notify the host to rebuild related consumer widget and then return the underlying object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
rxAspects Set<Object>
sign int
Returns the sign of this integer.
no setter
value ↔ dynamic
getter/setter pairinherited


abs() int
Returns the absolute value of this integer.
addRxAspects([Object? aspects]) → void
Add aspects to the Rx aspects. param aspects: Iterable: add aspects to the rx aspects null: broadcast to the model RxImpl: add (aspects as RxImpl).rxAspects to the rx aspects : add aspects to the rx aspects
call(int v) int
RxVar(newVal): set new value to the Rx underlying value. dart:call() works in the same way as operator()
ceil() int
Returns this.
ceilToDouble() double
Returns this.toDouble().
clamp(num lowerLimit, num upperLimit) num
Returns this num clamped to be in the range lowerLimit-upperLimit.
clearRxAspects() → void
Clear all the Rx aspects.
consume(Widget create(), {Key? key}) Widget
Create a consumer widget and connect with the watched variable. The consumer widget will rebuild whenever the watched variable updates.
copyInfo(RxImpl<int> other) → void
Copy info from another Rx variable.
floor() int
Returns this.
floorToDouble() double
Returns this.toDouble().
gcd(int other) int
Returns the greatest common divisor of this integer and other.
modInverse(int modulus) int
Returns the modular multiplicative inverse of this integer modulo modulus.
modPow(int exponent, int modulus) int
Returns this integer to the power of exponent modulo modulus.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
notify() → void
Synonym of publishRxAspects().
publishRxAspects() → void
Publish Rx aspects to the host.
remainder(num other) num
Returns the remainder of the truncating division of this by other.
removeRxAspects([Object? aspects]) → void
Remove aspects from the Rx aspects. param aspects: Iterable: remove aspects from the rx aspects null: don't broadcast to the model RxImpl: remove (aspects as RxImpl).rxAspects from the rx aspects : remove aspects from the rx aspects
retainRxAspects(Object aspects) → void
Retain aspects in the Rx aspects. param aspects: Iterable: retain rx aspects in the aspects RxImpl: retain rx aspects in the (aspects as RxImpl).rxAspects : retain rx aspects in the aspects
round() int
Returns this.
roundToDouble() double
Returns this.toDouble().
toDouble() double
Return this num as a double.
toInt() int
Truncates this num to an integer and returns the result as an int. */
toSigned(int width) int
Returns the least significant width bits of this integer, extending the highest retained bit to the sign. This is the same as truncating the value to fit in width bits using an signed 2-s complement representation. The returned value has the same bit value in all positions higher than width.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
toStringAsExponential(int fractionDigits) String
Returns an exponential string-representation of this.
toStringAsFixed(int fractionDigits) String
Returns a decimal-point string-representation of this.
toStringAsPrecision(int precision) String
Converts this to a double and returns a string representation with exactly precision significant digits.
touch() → void
Activate automatic aspect management for this watched variable.
toUnsigned(int width) int
Returns the least significant width bits of this integer as a non-negative number (i.e. unsigned representation). The returned value has zeros in all bit positions higher than width.
truncate() int
Returns this.
truncateToDouble() double
Returns this.toDouble().


operator %(num other) num
Euclidean modulo operator.
operator &(int other) int
Bit-wise and operator.
operator *(num other) num
Multiplication operator.
operator +(int other) RxInt
Addition operator. dart doesn't have operator++
operator -(int other) RxInt
Subtraction operator.
operator /(num other) double
Division operator.
operator <(num other) bool
Relational less than operator.
operator <<(int shiftAmount) int
Shift the bits of this integer to the left by shiftAmount.
operator <=(num other) bool
Relational less than or equal operator.
operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.
operator >(num other) bool
Relational greater than operator.
operator >=(num other) bool
Relational greater than or equal operator.
operator >>(int shiftAmount) int
Shift the bits of this integer to the right by shiftAmount.
operator ^(int other) int
Bit-wise exclusive-or operator.
operator unary-() int
Return the negative value of this integer.
operator |(int other) int
Bit-wise or operator.
operator ~() int
The bit-wise negate operator.
operator ~/(num other) int
Truncating division operator.