buildRoute method

Future<bool> buildRoute({
  1. required List<WayPoint> wayPoints,
  2. MapBoxOptions? options,

Build the Route Used for the Navigation

wayPoints must not be null. A collection of WayPoint(longitude, latitude and name). Must be at least 2 or at most 25. Cannot use drivingWithTraffic mode if more than 3-waypoints. options options used to generate the route and used while navigating


Future<bool> buildRoute({
  required List<WayPoint> wayPoints,
  MapBoxOptions? options,
}) async {
  assert(wayPoints.length > 1, 'Error: WayPoints must be at least 2');
  if (Platform.isIOS && wayPoints.length > 3 && options?.mode != null) {
      options!.mode != MapBoxNavigationMode.drivingWithTraffic,
        Error: Cannot use drivingWithTraffic Mode
        when you have more than 3 Stops
  final pointList = <Map<String, Object?>>[];

  for (var i = 0; i < wayPoints.length; i++) {
    final wayPoint = wayPoints[i];
    assert( != null, 'Error: waypoints need name');
    assert(wayPoint.latitude != null, 'Error: waypoints need latitude');
    assert(wayPoint.longitude != null, 'Error: waypoints need longitude');

    final pointMap = <String, dynamic>{
      'Order': i,
      'Latitude': wayPoint.latitude,
      'Longitude': wayPoint.longitude,

  var i = 0;
  final wayPointMap = {for (var e in pointList) i++: e};

  var args = <String, dynamic>{};
  if (options != null) args = options.toMap();
  args['wayPoints'] = wayPointMap;

  _routeEventSubscription = _streamRouteEvent!.listen(_onProgressData);
  return _methodChannel
      .invokeMethod('buildRoute', args)
      .then((dynamic result) => result as bool);