FMTCBackend constructor

const FMTCBackend()

An abstract interface that FMTC will use to communicate with a storage 'backend' (usually one root)

For implementers:

See also FMTCBackendInternal and FMTCBackendInternalThreadSafe, which have the actual method signatures. This is provided as a public means to initialise and uninitialise the backend.

When creating a custom implementation, follow the same pattern as the built-in ObjectBox backend (FMTCObjectBoxBackend).

initialise & uninitialise's implementations should redirect to an implementation in a FMTCBackendInternal, where the setter of FMTCBackendAccess.internal and FMTCBackendAccessThreadSafe.internal may be accessed - see documentation on FMTCBackendAccess for more information.

This constructor does not initialise this backend, also invoke initialise.


const FMTCBackend();