FlutterListViewDelegate class



FlutterListViewDelegate(NullableIndexedWidgetBuilder builder, {int? childCount, bool addAutomaticKeepAlives = true, bool addRepaintBoundaries = true, bool addSemanticIndexes = true, SemanticIndexCallback semanticIndexCallback = _kDefaultSemanticIndexCallback, int semanticIndexOffset = 0, FlutterListViewDelegateOnItemKey? onItemKey, bool keepPosition = false, double keepPositionOffset = 0, FlutterListViewDelegateOnItemSticky? onItemSticky, bool stickyAtTailer = false, FlutterListViewDelegateOnItemHeight? onItemHeight, double preferItemHeight = 50, FirstItemAlign firstItemAlign = FirstItemAlign.start, int initIndex = 0, int? forceToExecuteInitIndex, double initOffset = 0.0, bool initOffsetBasedOnBottom = false, bool onIsPermanent(String keyOrIndex)?, bool isSupressElementGenerate = false, bool disableCacheItems = false, bool expandDirectToDownWhenFirstItemAlignToEnd = false})
Creates a delegate that supplies children for slivers using the given builder callback.


addAutomaticKeepAlives bool
Whether to wrap each child in an AutomaticKeepAlive.
addRepaintBoundaries bool
Whether to wrap each child in a RepaintBoundary.
addSemanticIndexes bool
Whether to wrap each child in an IndexedSemantics.
builder NullableIndexedWidgetBuilder
Called to build children for the sliver.
childCount int?
The total number of children this delegate can provide.
disableCacheItems bool
syncCreatedItemIndexs is used to create item when list view created indexs which need create The method will be invoke to create element when childCount from 0 to non-zero or childCount is non-zero when list view mounted or syncCreatedItemIndexs changed Notice, it will be trigger when syncCreatedItemKeyOrIndexs object mutated It will rememeber the keyOrIndex once created Disable cache deactive item when item is invisble
estimatedChildCount int?
Returns an estimate of the number of children this delegate will build.
no setteroverride
expandDirectToDownWhenFirstItemAlignToEnd bool
expandDirectToDownWhenFirstItemAlignToEnd is true, the item which in viewpoint expand. when first item align to end. the expand direct is to down.
firstItemAlign FirstItemAlign
When item is not enough fill one viewport. Where is the items shoule align to For example: if reverse is false, When firstItemAlign=FirstItemAlign.start, the item should located on top. When firstItemAlign=FirstItemAlign.end, the item should located on bottom.
forceToExecuteInitIndex int?
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
initIndex int
When childCount from 0 to non-zore, the initIndex will effect, When initIndex changed, if child count is not 0, it also effect initOffset is scroll to index and the distance from top or bottom based on initOffsetBasedOnBottom If your initIndex didn't change. but data have changed, if you want force wiget to jump to initIndex, You can change forceToExecuteInitIndex, widget will detct does the forceToExecuteInitIndex have be changed. Once it changed, It also enforce to execute jump to initIndex.
initOffset double
initOffsetBasedOnBottom bool
isSupressElementGenerate bool
isSupressElementGenerate is true, the element will not generated during scroll
keepPosition bool
Whem keepPosition is false, If some item insert to header, the render items will scroll down a distance which is equal the inserted items' height, When the property set to true, The current render item will keep same position. Notice: it the keepPosition set to true, onItemKey must not be null and each item's must unique. When keepPosition is true and scrolloffset>=keepPositionOffset, the keep position will enable
keepPositionOffset double
onIsPermanent → (bool Function(String keyOrIndex)?)
Query does the item is permanent item permanent item will not reused and release util list view disposed keyOrIndex is onItemKey provide, the param is key, else it is index
onItemHeight FlutterListViewDelegateOnItemHeight?
If you know the item height, it is better provider the height It can provide better user expierence
onItemKey FlutterListViewDelegateOnItemKey?
onItemKey will indicate the item key The key will used to ref the item's height If you enable keepPosition, the key will be used to identify inserted items which is before the current rendered key
onItemSticky FlutterListViewDelegateOnItemSticky?
Query the item is sticky to header. stickyAtTailer is mean sticky from bottom to top, in normal sticky item will show on top, but if it is true, it mean the sticky will show on bottom
preferItemHeight double
If you didn't provide onItemHeight, the preferItemHeight will be apply to item which is not render.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
semanticIndexCallback SemanticIndexCallback
A SemanticIndexCallback which is used when addSemanticIndexes is true.
semanticIndexOffset int
An initial offset to add to the semantic indexes generated by this widget.
stickyAtTailer bool


build(BuildContext context, int index) Widget?
Returns the child with the given index.
debugFillDescription(List<String> description) → void
Add additional information to the given description for use by toString.
didFinishLayout(int firstIndex, int lastIndex) → void
Called at the end of layout to indicate that layout is now complete.
estimateMaxScrollOffset(int firstIndex, int lastIndex, double leadingScrollOffset, double trailingScrollOffset) double?
Returns an estimate of the max scroll extent for all the children.
findIndexByKey(Key key) int?
Find index of child element with associated key.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
shouldRebuild(covariant FlutterListViewDelegate oldDelegate) bool
Called whenever a new instance of the child delegate class is provided to the sliver.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.